Re: Trade

Burke,Carl D. (
Wed, 26 May 1999 11:25:49 -0400

At 06:37 PM 5/26/99 +1000, geoff Cook wrote:
>Just a couple of questions on trading is was hoping someone could assist
>1) - The rules state that 'markets to purchase rare tradegoods must be at
>least 8 provinces away from the market selling the rare tradegood' - does
>this province count include the province that each of the two cities are in
>(ie 1 province each with a city plus 6 intervening provinces = 8 provinces)

No, just the destination province. The destination city must be at
least 8 moves away along a direct path (plus 'move out' and 'move in').

>2) - Will the same rare trade good be sold in more than one market or is
>each trade good found with Find Tradegood for Sale unique to the city in
>which it was originally found?

Each rare trade good is only sold in one city. It may have the same
name as a good sold somewhere else, but the ID will be different
and it's the ID that matters.

You could have more than one city _buy_ a single rare trade good,
but there is rarely a reason for a single faction or alliance to
do that.

>3) - If the answer to question 2 over is that the good is sold in more than
>one market can you Find Market in a city closer than 8 provinces if a second
>city selling good is more than 8 provinces away? (ie If Pepper was sold in
>two different cities (A & B), and you used Find Market in another city (C)
>that was less than 8 provinces from A but more than 8 from B could you still
>Find Market in C and trade between A & C?)

Pepper can be sold in multiple cities, but Pepper [x129] would only be
sold in one city and could not be substituted for Pepper [c327] (for example).
The distance between cities selling different Peppers doesn't matter.

Hope this helps.

Carl Burke,

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