
Bill (
Fri, 28 May 1999 13:55:02 +1000

As far as trade goes is this correct?

Fred walks into Rome, a city with no visible trade goods for sale.
He issues 'Find Tradegood for Sale'. When his orders are processed by
the G2 computer a new Tradegood will appear for sale in this
city.(i.e. Ivory [s376]) This will show up on Fred's next Turn Report.
The computer will also RANDOMLY choose HALF of the cities in the game and
make each of them a POSSIBLE market for that tradegood. This will NOT show
up on Fred's Turn Report.
When Fred later walks into another city at least 8 provinces away from Rome
he issues 'Find Market for Tradegood'. If this second city is one of the
cities RANDOMLY CHOSEN by the G2 computer for that
tradegood (Ivory [s376]) then a market will be found (if there is room).
If that second city is NOT one of the 'chosen 50%' then using 'Find Market
for Tradegood' WILL NEVER be successful in this second city for that
tradegood.(Ivory [s376])

Once a market has been found for the tradegood (Ivory [s376]) all other
cities that WERE possible markets are reset by the computer to have no
interest in that tradegood (Ivory [s376]) again.

Much later on in the game when that specific tradegood (Ivory[s376]) has
expired in its two cities (buying and selling markets) there is a chance
that the tradegood may be available again between the two cities but the
chances of it are small.

Espirax, E.T.I.

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