Re: Trade

Carl Burke (
Mon, 28 Dec 1998 16:47:24 -0500

[note: Please turn on the word wrapping feature for your
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At 07:48 PM 12/28/98 +0100, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>is there anybody who can help me, I have problems creating a trade-route :
>I have experienced great problems trying to create a trade-route.
> I simple can't get a market for my goods. The distance between the 2 cities
>are 7 provinces between them, 9 if you calculate both provinces included.
> Is the distance to short? I have tried creating markets both ways but it
>seems like I haven't got a chance. This is only horizontal, if I calculate
>provinces both horizontally and vertically it is more. Is the distance only
>calculated horizontally or vertically or both ways at the same time?

It's the horizontal distance plus the vertical distance.
Starting at one city, move one province at a time (horizontally or
vertically, but not diagonally) along the shortest path to the
second city. Each time you move from one province to another, add
1 to the distance. You don't count the first city, because you started
there, but you do count the second because you moved into the province.
That's the distance. (Sometimes that's called the "Manhattan distance".)
Some distances:
ck20 to ck27 = 7
cm20 to ck27 = 8

To establish a market the cities must be _at least_ 8 provinces apart.

>Can you try establishing a market for the same tradegood more than once
>in the same city and be lucky in the third or fourth attempt??

No. If the tradegood isn't accepted on the first try you will _never_
be able to sell that tradegood in that city. There is a 50% chance that
a city will buy a particular tradegood, which I think uses a hashing
function based on the tradegood ID, city ID, and some other factors;
the important thing is that there isn't any randomness in the formula.

Hope this helps.

Carl Burke

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