
Martin Lind Jans (MJans@IT.DK)
Mon, 28 Dec 1998 19:48:47 +0100

Hi all,

is there anybody who can help me, I have problems creating a trade-route =

I have experienced great problems trying to create a trade-route. I =
simple can't get a market for my goods. The distance between the 2 =
cities are 7 provinces between them, 9 if you calculate both provinces =
included. Is the distance to short? I have tried creating markets both =
ways but it seems like I haven't got a chance. This is only horizontal, =
if I calculate provinces both horizontally and vertically it is more. Is =
the distance only calculated horizontally or vertically or both ways at =
the same time?

Can you try establishing a market for the same tradegood more than once =
in the same city and be lucky in the third or fourth attempt??


Targ the Mighty of the Brotherhood of Shao-Lin

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