Re: Trade

Basil A. Daoust (
Thu, 27 May 1999 23:54:51 -0500

Quick answer:YES.

Read on if you want more :-)

Bill wrote:
> As far as trade goes is this correct?
> Fred walks into Rome, a city with no visible trade goods for sale.
> He issues 'Find Tradegood for Sale'. When his orders are processed by
> the G2 computer a new Tradegood will appear for sale in this
> city.(i.e. Ivory [s376]) This will show up on Fred's next Turn Report.

The new trade good will show in the city report and thus everyone who
gets a city report will see the trade good.

> The computer will also RANDOMLY choose HALF of the cities in the game and
> make each of them a POSSIBLE market for that tradegood. This will NOT show
> up on Fred's Turn Report.

No such thing as RANDOM, lets leave it at that about 50% of the cities
have the ability to buy the good.

> When Fred later walks into another city at least 8 provinces away from Rome
> he issues 'Find Market for Tradegood'. If this second city is one of the
> cities RANDOMLY CHOSEN by the G2 computer for that
> tradegood (Ivory [s376]) then a market will be found (if there is room).


> If that second city is NOT one of the 'chosen 50%' then using 'Find Market
> for Tradegood' WILL NEVER be successful in this second city for that
> tradegood.(Ivory [s376])


> Once a market has been found for the tradegood (Ivory [s376]) all other
> cities that WERE possible markets are reset by the computer to have no
> interest in that tradegood (Ivory [s376]) again.

No I don't believe that is the case... if you wished to find multiple
buying cities I believe that would be viable... though usually running a
route in one direction is enough work.

> Much later on in the game when that specific tradegood (Ivory[s376]) has
> expired in its two cities (buying and selling markets) there is a chance
> that the tradegood may be available again between the two cities but the
> chances of it are small.

You are free to open two markets and I'm sure many can tell wonderful
of getting lucky enough to have both cities buy and sell both of each
others trade goods. Though when you get a route that pays in both
directions they are the special ones and not really that infrequent.
Remember both cities buy and sell 2 goods it would seem reasonable to
expect to get one 75% of the time and 75*75 = 56.25 So 1/2 the time the
markets should go both directions.

Maybe that isn't what you asked, yes create goods again and try and
reestablish a route between the cities after the Ivory runs out, and
because of 2 trade goods being allowed don't wait for the first to run
out :-)

> Espirax, E.T.I.


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