
geoff Cook (
Wed, 26 May 1999 18:37:55 +1000

Just a couple of questions on trading is was hoping someone could assist

1) - The rules state that 'markets to purchase rare tradegoods must be at
least 8 provinces away from the market selling the rare tradegood' - does
this province count include the province that each of the two cities are in
(ie 1 province each with a city plus 6 intervening provinces = 8 provinces)

2) - Will the same rare trade good be sold in more than one market or is
each trade good found with Find Tradegood for Sale unique to the city in
which it was originally found?

3) - If the answer to question 2 over is that the good is sold in more than
one market can you Find Market in a city closer than 8 provinces if a second
city selling good is more than 8 provinces away? (ie If Pepper was sold in
two different cities (A & B), and you used Find Market in another city (C)
that was less than 8 provinces from A but more than 8 from B could you still
Find Market in C and trade between A & C?)

Thanks in advance


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