Re: active players

Basil A. Daoust (
Thu, 10 Dec 1998 12:44:29 -0600


it would seem to me that any FEATURE that allows np's to be
transferred be it easy or painfully slow allows the creation of super

Is this something we would want to happen? I don't think it was in
the plan when NP conservation was implemented.

Now add the fact that it can be achived through multiple ways. One I
believe everyone agrees is the giving of an artifact. Well if one was
going to quest anyways then this side benifit actually exceeds the
expected goals of Questing. IMHO, though I love NPC's I love NPs more.
:-) For you obviously don't quest for the gold, maybe initially you did
some questing to get breeding stock... by why keep questing?


Rodgers, Robert wrote:
> >Okay, easy, I start 8 new factions, all with different e-mail
> >addresses and with Visa cards from friends since it would only
> >be for a few turns and then I can transfer the NP's to my
> >faction. I will not tell you how because I don't want to give
> >any hints to players who like to cheat.
> >I don't say that this is actually happening but it is possible!!
> >Next time read the mail better !!!
> >And what 'real' bugs should be fixed according to you ??
> >Or are they just real because they're bugs that are bothering YOU !!
> You clearly must not have figured out how to transfer NP's, because your
> scenario above simply will not work. Those of us who HAVE figured out
> how to transfer NP's realize that it is a long, slow process, and,
> taking a strct interpretation, is not against the rules. Therefore it
> isn't a bug, it's a feature.
> What is more worrisome is if you have decided that it's worth 20 bucks a
> week to play Olympia and you keep those 8 factions going. If you did
> that you would be probably the single most coordinated group in the game
> and would be able to bring off a string of unlikely military and magical
> successes. In that case, you would be a cheating rat and if you had any
> honor you would drop out of the game.
> Rob, because Ming has no idea that this is a game

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