Re: active players

Skip Sifu (
Thu, 10 Dec 1998 10:46:46 PST

Who was talking about control artifacts ??
I said that I knew a way to transfer NP's from faction to faction
I didn't say anything about control artifacts!!
Now I don't want to elaborate on this subject in case some people
get crazy ideas and start testing NP transferring.

PS: as I said, read the mail

>From Thu Dec 10 09:19:30 1998
>Received: (from lindahl@localhost) by
> id MAA14537; Thu, 10 Dec 1998 12:18:14 -0500
>Message-Id: <>
>Subject: Re: active players
>To: (Skip Sifu)
>Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 12:18:14 -0500 (EST)
>From: "Greg Lindahl" <>
>In-Reply-To: <> from "Skip Sifu"
at Dec 10, 98 09:07:18 am
>X-Mailer: ELM [version 2.4 PL25]
>Content-Type: text
>Content-Length: 1298
>> Okay, easy, I start 8 new factions, all with different e-mail
>> addresses and with Visa cards from friends since it would only
>> be for a few turns and then I can transfer the NP's to my
>> faction. I will not tell you how because I don't want to give
>> any hints to players who like to cheat.
>Ah. So you are claiming secret knowledge, or you are just confused.
>How am I to tell the difference?
>I don't think you have 100 control artifacts, and no one has said how
>you can do this transfer (100 NPs transferred to 1 faction) unless
>that faction has found 100 control artifacts. How much effort does it
>take to find 100 control artifacts?
>> Next time read the mail better !!!
>OK, but I did.
>> And what 'real' bugs should be fixed according to you ??
>Bugs such as the riding movement bug, the vision-immunity-not-working
>bug, and the teleport aura bug, all of which are now fixed. The
>important thing is identifying what is definitely a bug, or an
>important bug, instead of just shouting at the top of your lungs all
>the time about every little thing.
>> Or are they just real because they're bugs that are bothering YOU !!
>All bugs bother me. I have personally never done a QUEST, so I am
>at a disadvantage from this control artifact transfer. But I think it
>is a small disadvantage.
>-- g

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