active players

Jheremai the Scarlet (
Mon, 7 Dec 1998 20:50:01 +1000

This was taken off a turn 94 public turn

Game totals: Players: 358

Faction [uv6] rank
------------- ----
Characters: 4 232nd
Men: 16 231st
Gold: 0 272nd
Land controlled: 0 182nd
Skills known: 0/74 268th
Spells known: 0/79 237th
Provinces visited: 0/31,919 265th

Now if we look at these figures some interesting conclusions appear.

Total players 358 but there are 267 factions with more than zero
skills. This means there are 90 factions who have never completed
learning a skill.

Similarly there are 93 factions who have never left the safe haven
city they started in.

Now to my mind these must be factions that joined for a turn or two,
didn't do much and never filed another turn.

I know of several factions that got past these fairly minimal
milestones and for one reason or another are inactive and not filing
turns. Some have been like this for 40 turns or so.

So my question is: How many active factions are playing?

It is a lot less than 358. I suspect it is less the 264 factions
that have left the safe haven. Assuming my reasoning is right I would
make it about 200. Anybody else got any thoughts?


PS I'm assuming that in the rankings all factions with the same no of
skills/spells/etc will all be ranked the same and that this ranking
is one more than the next ordinal up.

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