Re: Castle Ownership

Wayne Sheppard (
Mon, 12 Oct 1998 12:10:01 -0400

You are correct with your interpretations of the rules. But I wouldn't say
that you are permanently losing a noble.

You are correct that a noble must be occupying the castle at all times. But
he can still perform skills. He can train troops, make weapons and study
skills. You could make the castle owner a beastmaster and have him train
riding horses or breed beasts all turn long.

>I'm kinda new to the game, I'll be starting tomorrow, and I have a
>Mostly I understand alot of the rules, and though I believe I already
>understand the answer to this one, I want to make sure. If you want to
>and control a Castle, and most of the surrounding area, besides garrisons
>numerous other things you have to have a Noble permanently residing in the
>castle don't you? Or at least residing there until you replace him/her with
>different Noble. You have to forever give up one of your Nobles if you want
>be able to control the castle, otherwise the next person to come along
>claim it and the lands garrisoned to it. I was just wondering, to make sure
>had it right, since even though I might want to eventually control some
>(if I can find any that isn't already claimed), the idea of having to
>permanently lose a Noble (lose seemed close enough to the same thin for me)
>isn't very appealing.

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