Re: A NEwbie Question

Ken Scott (
Mon, 12 Oct 1998 09:12:58 -0700

No. Claim is a one way street. You can not GIVE anything to your claim area.

At 11:52 AM 10/12/98 -0400, wrote:
>Sorry if this question has been asked before but I have yet to see any clear
>help on this issue.
>When using the accept order I noticed that the player entity/faction can
>issue it. The question I have is can your nobles give to the faction so
>that other nobles in different locations can then CLAIM the given goods? Or
>do nobles have to keep travelling across the land delivering needed goods to
>each other?
>Many thanks
>Lord Andrew
>High Lord of The Circle



o) * *

Order of the Crescent TIB Alliance

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