Castle Ownership
Mon, 12 Oct 1998 11:37:15 EDT

I'm kinda new to the game, I'll be starting tomorrow, and I have a question.
Mostly I understand alot of the rules, and though I believe I already
understand the answer to this one, I want to make sure. If you want to build
and control a Castle, and most of the surrounding area, besides garrisons and
numerous other things you have to have a Noble permanently residing in the
castle don't you? Or at least residing there until you replace him/her with a
different Noble. You have to forever give up one of your Nobles if you want to
be able to control the castle, otherwise the next person to come along could
claim it and the lands garrisoned to it. I was just wondering, to make sure I
had it right, since even though I might want to eventually control some land
(if I can find any that isn't already claimed), the idea of having to
permanently lose a Noble (lose seemed close enough to the same thin for me)
isn't very appealing.

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