Re: (Unofficial) Cannonical List of Oly-G2 Bugs

Rodger Coghlan (
Fri, 12 Jun 1998 15:05:49 -0500

Please add this to the list:
ghost warriors count as troops when moving into a swamp provinces (and
probably other provinces also).

it is rumored that only nobles are tested at turns end for beast loss, undead
loss, and ghost warrior loss. I have not had a chance to test this but will
so in a couple of months.


On 12-Jun-98, Bron Nelson wrote:

>I've added the Resurrection bug to this list. Can someone tell
>me exactly *how much* gold they are charged when doing a resurrection?
>And/or confirm that if you *do* have enough, then the resurrection
>*fails* ?

>Also, if someone confirms that the fix Rich put in for the "feral
>noble NP loss" bug actually works, let me know so I can strike it
>from the list.


>Olympia G2: Known Bugs Version 0.2

>A noble that has renounced loyalty and goes independent (e.g.
>by having their contract run out), and is then killed while
>still independent, does not return its NP(s) to the original
>owner when the body dissolves or is Laid to Rest.
>(source: various g2-list posters)
> Rich Skrenta has supposedly fixed this bug. At this time
> there has been no player verification of the fix.

>A noble that has paid NP(s) to begin study of a skill, but is
>killed before fully learning that skill, does not return the NP(s)
>for the partially learned skill when the body dissolves or is
>Laid to Rest.

>Healing potions always cure all wounds; the rules state
>that only a portion of the wounds should be cured.

>The "Fierce Winds" spell always fails with the message:
> Storm XXXX is not a rain storm.

>EXECUTE does not give the body to the executor; the body
>appears in the province.
>(source: anonymous)

>Ship landings and [dis]embarking are visible in Fog.

>The command "breed 81 81" always fails.

>BREED takes one day less when you are a journeyman or better,
>while the supposedly equivalent "USE 654" takes one day less
>when you are an adept or better.

>There are conflicting reports surrounding the expiration of trade
>goods from markets. There definitely were changes made in this
>area partway into the game, and goods that existed before the changes
>appear to have different behavior than ones created at this time.
>There are no substantiated reports of bugs for recently created trade
>goods, although the behavior of the trade route is non-intuitive; see
>"Clarifications" below.

>Resurrections do not cost the priest a NP. Instead, an attempt
>is made to charge the priest an amount of gold. (No one has
>told me just *how much* gold). However, if the priest is *not*
>holding enough gold, the resurrection proceeds anyway at no charge.
>I recieved one unconfirmed report that if you *are* holding enough
>gold, then the resurrection is aborted (as if the sense test in the
>code were backwards).
>(source:,, et. al.)


> (These clarifications apply to newly created trade goods. As mentioned
> above, pre-existing trade goods may behave differently.)

> When a city begins selling a trade good, the expiration timer does not
> begin ticking until a market is established for that good in at least
> one other city. Therefore, the trade good will persist forever if no
> one ever finds a market for it.
> (source:

> When a trade good expires, the selling city will sell one final lot of
> the good, and the buying city will purchase one final lot of the good.
> This final transaction will remain "on the books" indefinitely in those
> cities until it is satisfied. However, this final outstanding transaction
> of the expired trade good does *not* count against the 2 good limit in
> either city.
> (source:

> The lore sheet for Find Market for Tradegood [733] states:
> "For a given tradegood, there is a 50%
> chance that a city will purchase it."
> This does *not* mean that there is a 50% chance with each use of 733.
> The skill always "succeeds" in the sense that you always find out for
> sure if the city will purchase the given trade good or not (50% chance).
> If the city did not purchase the good on the first try, it never will,
> regardless of how many times 733 is used.
> (source:

>Fast Study:
> There is no requirement that Fast Study be done in multiples of 7
> days. Fast Study does not "revert" to normal study if less than 7
> days are specified. Fast Study takes zero time and results in the
> character learning the specified number of days of the given skill
> (e.g. "study 733 1" takes zero time and studies 1 day of skill 733).
> Characters must have the gold and/or NP's required to begin study of
> a new skill even if that skill is begun using Fast Study points.
> Fast Study does not count against 14day per month study limit.

>Please use for Oly2 correspondence.
>Use only if you require fast response.
>These statements are my own, not those of Silicon Graphics.

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