Re: [Fwd: end priorities]

Bron Nelson (
Tue, 8 Apr 1997 09:32:05 -0700

> >Ok, maybe I'm just daft but what the hell does it matter what sequence
> >the commands complete in.

Ok, here is a for instance: noble A moves out of a city (a 1-day move),
noble B begins an "Aura Blast" spell against noble A (a 1-day spell).
If noble A manages to complete its move first, then it will no longer
be in the city and the Aura Blast will fail. If the reverse, then
the Blast succeeds.

We had quite a lengthy discussion of this point in G1, and I *believe*
that Skrenta changed the code such that actions that finish on the same
day complete in the order they were *issued*. This is just my belief
of course, not a guarrentee.

> Say that I strongly suspect there's a gate on an island ..
> Day 1: mage A starts his detect spell.
> Day 7, priority 2: sailor B moves off the ship
> Day 7, priority 3: mage's detect skill goes off, while he's on the island
> Day 7, priority 1: mage A sets off a flag that he's done
> Day 7, priority 2 again: sailor B moves back on board ship
> Day 7, priority 4: the ship goes on its merry way

No, it doesn't work like that. A day can be thought of as having a "morning"
and an "evening" segment. All zero-time events always happen in the morning.
All events that take time are begun in the morning, but complete in the
evening. Thus the detect spell above will complete on the evening of Day 7,
and you will not be able to do any more actions until the morning of Day 8.

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