Re: [Fwd: end priorities]

Tim Whalen (
Tue, 08 Apr 1997 09:01:50 -0700

Bruce Glassco wrote:

> >Ok, maybe I'm just daft but what the hell does it matter what
> sequence
> >the commands complete in.
> Say that I strongly suspect there's a gate on an island. In order
> to check
> it out, my gatecrafter, mage A, has to be actually on the island.
> Now, I
> could land the ship and wait 7 days for him to cast the spell.
> Instead, he
> stacks with noble B, a sailor.
> Day 1: mage A starts his detect spell.
> Day 6: sailor B lands on the island.
> Day 7, priority 2: sailor B moves off the ship
> Day 7, priority 3: mage's detect skill goes off, while he's on the
> island
> Day 7, priority 1: mage A sets off a flag that he's done
> Day 7, priority 2 again: sailor B moves back on board ship
> Day 7, priority 4: the ship goes on its merry way
> bg

I believe that the answer is yes. This is not covered in the rules,
however I successfully
argued in g1 that an aura blast should have failed since my noble's MOVE
ended simultaneously with the aura blast so my noble was no longer there
to be aura blasted.
I am not *certain* that order completions are really ranked by priority
before being processed
but I'm pretty sure that I can dig up some email where Rich said that if
they aren't they
ought to be.

In your example it doesn't matter as Sailor B moves off the ship on the
morning of day
7 and the Detect Gate ends on the evening of day 7. Aren't zero time
moves priority 1?
Remember that all zero time orders start and end in the morning and all
non-zero time
orders start in the morning and end in the evening. Hmmm, WAIT may be
an exception
but I don't think so.

----------------------------Tim Whalen----------------------------
Whoo-oop!  I'm the old original iron-jawed, brass-mounted, copper-
bellied corpse-maker from the wilds of Arkansaw!  Look at me!  I'm
the man they call Sudden Death and General Desolation!  Sired by a
hurricane, dam'd by an earthquake, half-brother to the cholera and
nearly related to the small pox on my mother's side!   Look at me!
I take nineteen alligators an a bar'l of whisky for breakfast when
I'm in robust health, and a bushel of rattlesnakes and a dead body
when I'm ailing!     I split the everlasting rocks with my glance,
and I squench the thunder when I speak!  Whoo-oop!  Stand back and
give me room according to my strength!   Blood's my natural drink,
and the wails of the dying is music to my ear!    Cast your eye on
me, gentlemen! -- and lay low and hold your breath,  for I'm 'bout
to turn myself loose! - Mark Twain

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