Re: [Fwd: end priorities]

Mark Hendrickson (
Tue, 8 Apr 1997 07:13:00 -0600


At 21:27 -0500 4/7/97, Basil A. Daoust wrote:
> If two people are say moving into the city at the same time then it is
>just luck whom is above whom if I remember the rules.

& someone else wrote:

>If more than one order concludes in the same turn, do they conclude with the
>same priority order that they began in?

It's my understanding that yes, they conclude as they began.

& for the first, nobody actually moved into the city at the exact same
time, as no orders begin or end at the same time: every event in Olympia
occurs one at a time, by order of priority, & when that's the same, by
order of noble in the location (i.e. higher noble goes first, everything
else being equal). I've never bothered to find out if there's a
geographical advantage (northern nobles before southern, or whatever).


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