PBM / PBEM List Index: fantasy
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Games in this category:
- 2434 (name still in process) (cyberpunk/ghost in the shell....)
- 5e Dungeons and Dragons: The Ebonichor Chronicles (fantasy)
- A New World (D&D 3.5)
- A Paladin in Hell... and Beyond (Dungeons & Dragons 3.5E)
- A Shadow of Hope (Dark Sun 3.5e Campaign)
- A Study In Escalation (Free Form Strategy)
- A World of Adventure (adult fantasy roleplay)
- AD and D First Edition PBEM (fantasy)
- AD&D 1e ANTI-CAMPAIGN (play-by-email) (fantasy rpg)
- AD&D 1st Edition - First Time Players Welcome! (Fantasy)
- AD&D Quest for the Sun Gems (Ad&d old school)
- AD&D v.3.5 NEW CAMPAIGN (Open-ended) (fantasy, medieval, AD&D)
- Adventure Kings (Fantasy, RPG, Wargame, Email)
- Adventurer Kings (fantasy wargame and adventures)
- Adventurer's Arena AD+D v3.5 (Fantasy)
- Adventurers Guild (Combat/Adventuring)
- Adventures Fame (fantasy adventure game simple text web based )
- Aelyria (fantasy, play by post)
- Against the Giants - 35 years (D&D)
- Age of Wonders (fantasy wargame)
- Agent42sPathfinderGame (horror themed fantasy)
- Agonia - Tales of Forgotten Lands (adventure, fighting)
- Aleth PBEM (fantasy wargame)
- Ali Sabra's Champions Cup I (Soccer (Football) Fantasy game)
- Altamira (ice age clan skirmishing)
- AmazingBouncingFerret (fantasy, harry potter, adult)
- Amber Diceless Roleplay (Multi genre fantasy roleplay fiction)
- Among the Wondergroves (Fantasy rpg)
- Ankh-Morpork Needs YOU! (Fantasy Role-Playing on the Discworld)
- AnteDiluvian World (fantasy RPG)
- Arabian Nights Type Solo Game (fantasy, rules-lite)
- Arcane Journeys (Web-based Fantasy&Sci-fi single player games)
- Arcis Majorus - D and D 3.5e PBEM - NC-17 (fantasy)
- Arena Combat (Fantasy Gladiators)
- Arno's Atlantis (v5) (open-ended, fantasy, strategy, wargame)
- Ashenport (Fantasy rpg, adult )
- Ashlands (D&D)
- Assassin's Arrow (fantasy, strategy)
- Assassins (RPG, Fantasy, Merder)
- Atomic Highway (Post-Apocalyptic)
- Aurora Illusions (Urban Fantasy)
- Azgarn (Ad&d, fantasy)
- Ban of the Highlands: Carve Your Path Through War and Intrigue! (Low Magic Fantasy)
- barbarian life (fantasy)
- Before Atlantis (fantasy wargame)
- BetaPyxis (4e Eberron) (fantasy role playing)
- Birthright The Second War of the Shadow (AD&D RPG Fantasy Wargame Story)
- Black Company d20 pbem (fantasy rpg)
- Black Dawn (Fantasy)
- Blades of Nyr (fantasy)
- Blake's Superhero Agency (Superhero/Action-Adventure)
- Bleach : Endgame (Anime RP based on the Bleach Series)
- Bleach Revolution (Play by Post RPG)
- Buffy Alt. Season 7 PBEM (Buffy/Fantasy/Horror)
- Call of Cthulhu - 1920s Britian (Horror)
- Camarilla Nights (Vampire, Horror, Open-Ended, NWOD, VampireTheRequiem, MageTheAwakening, Second Sight, SkinThieves)
- Campaign for 40+ year olds (D&D)
- Candlekeep (D&D epic level Greyhawk pbem)
- Carnage Blender 2 (Carnage Blender, a free multiplayer strategy RPG)
- Castle Marchen - Fairytales for Adults (Fantasy (fairytale romance/adventure))
- Cazorp Mines (AD&D 3ed Email Adventure)
- Chandra ford (free, fantasy, 3.5 ed D&d)
- Charmed: The power of four? (Roleplay)
- Charms and Slayers (Fantasy)
- Check site (Medieval Fantasy)
- Chrestonim (Science Fantasy)
- City of the Spider Queen - Old School (1st edition D&D)
- Clarke Academy for SuperHeroes (Social Superhero PBEM)
- Clash of Legends (Fantasy wargame)
- Classic fantasy game, each player goes solo (fantasy)
- Conclave (Cooperative fantasy RPG)
- Cooper Crazy league (Fantasy )
- Cooperative Ninth Pass Pern PBEM (PBEM based on Anne McCaffrey's Pern world)
- Cordia Campaign: Reclaiming the Dead (Fandasy D&D 3.5 variant)
- Crastini Venient (Fantasy, light sci-fi)
- Cthonia (Pathfinder, D20, DnD)
- D and D by OneEyed Knave (Modern Fantasy)
- D&D 3.5: The Stravius Chronicles (fantasy RPG)
- D&D First Edition -- Rotating DM-ship (fantasy)
- Démange - LE jeu (Massive fantasy wargame)
- DandD 3.5, Pathfinder, AFMBE, etc. (Play By Email. (D&D, Pathfinder, Etc))
- Dangerous Curves (Fantasy (Adult only))
- Dark Marauders RPG (harry potter)
- Dark World RPG (Free-form Fantasy)
- Darkness Ends RPG (Medieval Fantasy Strategy)
- Dawn of Ages (Fantasy turnbased with heavy RP elements)
- Dead Men Tell No Tales (fantasy, pirates, Royal Navy, Caribbean)
- Death Before Dishonor (Engarde!)
- Destiny - The Final Crusade (Single character roleplaying)
- Diamond Lake (Dungeons and Dragons 3.5)
- Diamonds in the Dirt (DnD 3.5, Fantasy, Play by Post)
- Dies the Fire - Ashes of California - Mature (Post Apocalypse, Medieval, Fantasy)
- Dies the Fire Camas Prairie (Post apocalyptic America)
- Dirt and Glory (Medieval fantasy)
- Dominions (fantasy wargame)
- Dragon Age: Absolution (fantasy, magic, based on, dragon age, templars)
- Dragon inn (fantasy)
- Dragon Mountain Revisited (D&D 3.5)
- Dragon Riders of Kreysthahl (Play by Post - Fantasy, Open-Ended, Role-Playing, Free)
- Dragon Throne (free form fantasy humor)
- Dragonborn (Tribal, Low Fantasy, political, war)
- Dragonfire Keep (fantasy)
- Dragonlance Adventures (epic fantasy)
- Dragonlance Chronicles (Ad&d 2nd Editionn)
- Dragonlords (Fantasy wargame)
- Dreamsheilds (Role-playing game)
- dtwentythreepointfive (dungeons and dragons 3.5)
- Duel2 (Gladiatorial Combat)
- Dungeoneer PBEM (free-form, fantasy, dungeon crawl)
- Dungeons of Worms (Dungeons & Dragons 3.5)
- Eemian Civilization (Fantasy)
- Elderon (D&D, Homebrew, Fantasy)
- Elementa (Homebrew fantasy)
- Elenlond - Turn the Pages and Write Your Own Tale! (freeform fantasy)
- Emberverse PBEM (Post Apocalyptic Modern Fantasy)
- Empire (Fantasy Wargame)
- Empire of the Petal Throne (Fantasy RPG)
- Endless Gravestones - The Claymore RPG (Fantasy RPG)
- Engle Matrix Games (mystery, horror, spy, wargame)
- Eschaton - dark fantasy ADandD 1st Edition Campaign (Fantasy RPG)
- Eternia: Prologue (Fantasy ORPG)
- Everaen (Fantasy)
- Evolution (Superhero)
- Exodus of Rome (Historical Fantasy RPG)
- Faerun - Red Dust Adventure (D&D 3.5E)
- Faerunrpg2 (D&D 3.5 )
- Falhid (Medieval Fantasy)
- Fallen At The First (FATF) (Horse racing game based upon UK race courses)
- Fallen Empires (Strategy wargaming)
- Fallout (a post-apocalyptic role playing game)
- FALLOUT (Fallout RPG)
- Fannau chronical (Dungeons & Dragons 3.5)
- Faramythe (Roleplaying AD&D)
- Felicity and Deceit (Harry Potter, Marauder's Era)
- Feudal Lords (other) (Medieval turn-based PBM game)
- FFO Manager (Fantasy Football)
- Fighting Fantasy PBEM (Fantasy)
- Firetop Mountain (Ritual battles between the Mages of Old)
- First Quest (Based around Dungeons and Dragons 2nd Edition)
- For glory and gold. (D&D 3.5)
- Forgotten Realms -- War of the Avatars (fantasy wargame)
- Forgotten Realms PBEM (Play By Email Game) (2nd edition AD&D - Fantasy RPG)
- Freeport Adventures RPG (Fantasy 3.5 Ed DND)
- From the beginning (Fantasy)
- from the Lays of Emsdos (AD&D fantasy)
- Frontier (D&D 3.5)
- Game of thrones (fantasy)
- Gamehendge (AD&D 2nd. Ed (loose rules))
- Gamehenge in Watermelon Sugar (surreal fantasy(AD&D loose rules))
- Gathering Storms (fantasy exploration)
- Geleeda's Grove (fantasy)
- Ghoulies Ghosties and Beasties (Adult Fantasy)
- Gladiator (fantasy hand-to-hand combat game)
- GLADIATORIA (Gladiatorial combat)
- Glofeyne (Fantasy)
- Gloire et Pouvoir (fantasy wargame)
- Gods and Monsters RPG (Urban Fantasy)
- Gods of the Realm (D&D 4th Edition)
- Greycrusade (Greyhawk, Castles and Crusades.)
- Greyhawk (Military Political )
- Greyhawk Adventures (PBEM Greyhawk Adventure)
- Greyhawk Legends (D&D v3.5 fantasy RPG)
- Grumpy Old Men (old school fantasy role-playing by email)
- Guardians of the Frontier (D&D, 1st and 2ndish)
- Half-Breed's Citadel: An Adventure in the World of Colonnek (D&D 3.5 )
- Harn PBeM (medieval magic weak fantasy harn)
- Harry Potter the war is on (fantasy)
- Havilah (Atlantis v5.1) (open-ended fantasy strategy wargame)
- He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (Action-Adventure/Science-Fiction/Fantasy)
- Helhest Saga (Viking Werewolves plague)
- Hellraiser: Vignettes- Horrors of the Flesh (Horror, Fantasy)
- Heroes Rising (Marvel alternate universe)
- Heroic Fantasy (Fantasy roleplaying)
- Hidden Worlds (RPG)
- High Adventure in the Inner Kingdoms (ad&d 1st edition pbem )
- Hogwarts New Year (Harry Potter game set in year 6)
- Hollow's Heroes (fatasy)
- HOMM=like Battle Royale (Fantasy competitive turn based)
- horrors of the past (Dungeons &Dragons 3.5 forgotten realms RPG)
- Howell's Intrigue (Political Strategy)
- Hunt for Gollum (Fantasy, Book LOTR, )
- Hyborian Tales (Fantasy role playing in Robert E. Howard's Hyborian Age)
- Hyborian War (fantasy wargame)
- Immortal Stand (PBEM, SCi Fi, Wargame, Horror)
- In Day Of Yore..... a D&D 3rd Edition Game (Fantasy RP)
- In the Court of the Saffron King (Sword & Sorcery)
- In This Brutality (Post Apocalyptic Forum)
- Industria A New World (PBEM D&D 3.5)
- Infernal Planes (Demonic strategy game)
- Into the Frozen Waste (fantasy, ad&d, 1st edition)
- Iridear: Land of the 5 temples (war diplomacy strategy fantasy)
- Ishamael (High Fantasy RPG)
- Ishamael, a wheel of time RPG (epic fantasy, medieval, unusual physics )
- Janissaries (Modern/fantasy wargame)
- Journey into darkness (fantasy)
- Judycia in Despair (Dungeons and Dragons fantasy)
- Kalevala (open-ended fantasy wargame with roleplay)
- Keep on the Shadowfell (Forgotten Realms) (D&D 4e)
- Kingdom (world building collaborative simulation)
- Kingdom Quest (Fantasy Wargame)
- Kingdoms of Kinthay (Fantasy,Sci fi, Steampunk strategy game)
- Kingdoms of Telgard (fantasy play by post)
- Krelm (Fantasy Play by Email)
- Labyrinths of Oerth (old school fantasy dungeon crawl)
- Landsend (Fantasy role play / strategy game)
- Le Nécromant (Middle Earth Diplomacy)
- Legends (English) (Fantasy mixed Role Playing and Empire)
- Legends (German) (Strategic Fantasy)
- Legion - Rise of the Metahuman (Superhero pbem)
- Life Beyond the Hellmouth (BtVS/AtS High Quality Writing List)
- Lizards! (Fantasy wargame)
- Lords 51 - Siri: Age of Awakenings (Fantasy Empire Simulation)
- Lords of Gyrne (Fantasy Strategy Wargame)
- Lost in Sigil (fantasy, planescape, multiverse)
- Lost Souls (Modern Exalted)
- Lost Worlds (Science Fantasy)
- Lyran Tal (Chat/Forum based fantasy)
- Mare Cognitum (Potter fantasy)
- Mark of the Wyrm (D&D 3.5 edition Forgotten Realms)
- Marvel Movie Mashup (superhero)
- Massagetia 600 BC (3.5 ed. D&D) (historical fantasy)
- Mayhem yaoi rpg (anime, multifandom, adult, yaoi)
- Mercenaries of Adventure (fantasy AD&D 1st edition)
- Michigan Marvels (Teen Heroes)
- Midgard UK (Fantasy, medieval wargame)
- Midgard US (Fantasy, medieval wargame)
- Mizahar (fantasy roleplay forum)
- Monster Island (Fantasy Exploration)
- Moonsea Legends (5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons)
- MUTANT FUTURE pbem (pbem,post apoc,rpg)
- Mysticora (Epic Fantasy)
- Mythicor (Strategic Fantasy)
- Nameless D and D campaign (midievil, fantasy, role-playing)
- Naruto PBEM (RolePlaying)
- Nation of Odrium (Fantasy Political Wargame)
- Necromancer (D&D 3.5)
- Neire- Rise of Empire (PBEM Strategy RPG- Fantasy Historical)
- NeverEve III (AD&D Fantasy PBEM)
- New Foundation Tabletop Guild. Saga, DandD, MandM (Tabletop)
- New Hope (Home Brew Fantasy)
- New Mystaran PbeM - For Glory and Fame (fantasy)
- New Nations? (Pathfinder D&D)
- Northern Journey (AD7D 2ndEdition Skills & Powers)
- Northern Journey PBEM (fantasy rpg)
- Olympia G4 (Fantasy wargame)
- Olympia: The Age of Gods (fantasy)
- One-on-one gaming (or a small group)? (Open)
- Open to your imagaination (Any Genre)
- Orissa (Fantasy DnD)
- Ork (fantasy empire-building game)
- Ostrakism (roleplaying + diplomatic)
- Othlore PBeM SRPG (fantasy, strategy, RPG)
- Out of the pan, into the fire. (fantasy, rpg, loosely based on D@D)
- Outlanders: Trials in the Deathlands (Science Fantasy, Horror, Post Holocaust)
- Passing Through Twilight RPG (7th Year Canon Harry Potter)
- Pathfinder - World of Golarion (TEST GAME) (Fantasy RPG using Pathfinder Rules)
- Pathfinder Campaign (Pathfinder)
- pathfinder fantasy (fantasy)
- Pathfinder Legacy of Fire (Fantasy)
- Pathocrom (Strategic game of Gladiatorial Combat)
- Paths to Mossflower (Redwall fantasy)
- PBeM-Spiele - die Welt der E-Mail-Spiele (Web-Portal)
- Pit of War (Gladitorial Combat)
- Planescape: The Great Modron March (2ed) (Planescape, AD&D, 2nd Ed, PBeM)
- Possible Hero's (Fantasy RPG)
- Post Apocalyptic Game - (No zombies) (Post-Apocalyptic)
- Post Wars Greyhawk (Castles and Crusades, non-canon additions)
- Pscarn (Dungeons and Dragons 3.5)
- QFGC (high fantasy)
- qick, competitive rpg (straight-action rpg, not much "role plazing")
- Quest (fantasy role playing)
- Quest for the Sacred Scroll (AD&D 2nd ed)
- Quidam (free-form, open ended, fantasy, leaning mostly towards vampires and werewolves right now)
- QWF (e-fed, e-wrestling, fantasy wrestling)
- Ragnarok (wolf, sled dog, human)
- Raven's Keep (Fantasy, Medieval, Authurian Legendary)
- Ravenloft (gothic horror, murder, mystery, mayhem, a monstrous chronicle)
- Ravenloft: Virtue challenged (Fantasy horror)
- Realm of Light (Wild pokemon fantasy game)
- Realms of Hyboria (Heroic Fantasy)
- Realms of Kataclysm (DnD 3e)
- ReLite (Fantasy role playing and wargame)
- Residents of Vana'diel (Final Fantasy, Free-form Fantasy)
- Return of the Gods (Sci Fi, fantasy)
- Return to Ravenloft / A Second Expedition to the Barrier Peaks (fantasy)
- Rise of the Runelords (Fantasy, D&D 3.5)
- Rising Stars of Pern (Dragonriders of Pern)
- Rivers Run (18+ afterlife, low-fantasy, survival)
- Riverstia (Fantasy Role Playing AD&D 3.5)
- Romantic Fantasies (adult cross-genre freeform RP)
- RPG Forums Online (Free form fantasy and message board based RPGs)
- RPG Gathering (open-game multi-genre board)
- Ruling Dynasty (fantasy RPG)
- Rum (Pathfinder)
- Salem (fantasy)
- Sauromatia 600 B.C. (3.5 ed. D&D )
- Savage Frontier Pbem (Fantasy. D&D v3.5)
- Scarn (D&D 3.5)
- Schwertreiter (fantasy wargame)
- SerpentsTail (horror, supernatural, adult)
- Shadow's Rising (Fantasy, Middle Earth)
- Shadowrun 2060 (Future/sci fi/magic)
- Shadowrun PBeM (Sci-fi fantasy)
- ShadowStar (fantasy, midieval)
- Shards of Moonlight (fantasy adventure)
- Shardspace (Spelljammer 3E)
- Shattered Ties - A witch and werewolf PBEM RPG (Modern Fantasy)
- Shayyered Star (fantasy )
- Simsoc Web soccer (Multiplayer online soccer management)
- Sinister Ridge (ADD 2nd Ed Adult Fantasy Roleplaying)
- Siuil a Run (Walk, my love) - Will be re-titled, when finding a better name (Fantasy, Lord of the Rings-ish, a bit of romance, knights and shieldmaidens, wargame,quest)
- Sixth Fleet: PBeM RPG (Star Trek, post Nemesis era)
- Sixth-Fleet: USS Bismarck NCC-1108-C (Star Trek PBeM RPG)
- Skyborn Warriors (Sci Fi, fantasy)
- Skygate (Superhero)
- Skyland (fantasy medieval)
- Smallville: Shadows of Future Present (Superhero, romance)
- Southlands (fantasy)
- Southlands (Fantasy pbem)
- Sovereign (D&D 3.5)
- Star Wars Saga Edition Good Vs Evil Campaign (PBEM) (Star Wars: Knights of the Old republic)
- Strange Normality (RPG and CCG Hybrid)
- Strive for Power (Open-ended, fantasy rpg, computer moderated, tekstbased, browserbased)
- Stronghold (Civilization)
- Swords against Scarlor (Ad&d 1st edition)
- Tales of Tamar (fantasy wargame)
- Tales of the Northernlands (D&D 3.5)
- Taros Lives (Pathfinder 3.5 Fantasy)
- Tauria 600 B.C.E. (3.5 ed. D&D in a Historical Setting with Fantasy, Myth, Legend, and Folklore)
- TCR Games (PBEM RPG Games)
- Tekkaman blade 'The Return' (PBEM role play)
- Tekumel (Fantasy RPG)
- Terra Fallita (Fantasy Roleplaying, Free Form, Medieval,)
- The 'Verse of Something Like It (Firefly PBEM)
- The 500 Baronies (Fantasy, RPG)
- The Armistice of East Haven (Fantasy RPG)
- The Black Phoenix Chronichles (Fantasy loosly based Fudge/D20)
- The Blades of Nyr (Ad&d 1st edition)
- The Bridgekeepers (fantasy, collaborative, play-by-email)
- The Broken Lands (Fantasy Adventure Game)
- The Campaign For All time (Fantasy)
- The Caves of Doom (ADD 2nd Ed)
- The Collinwood Slayer (erotic horror)
- The Crown of Korul (D&D 3.5 PBEM)
- The Dragon Rider (Email RPG fantasy sword and sorcery game)
- The Dungeon Book (fantasy dungeon crawler )
- The Elf-Dragon Wars (fantasy Eberron rpg)
- The Forged (All Dwarf Pathfinder (D&D 3.75) Campaign)
- The Gem Travellers (Fantasy (loosely D&D 5E))
- The Halfling from Hell (fantasy)
- The Island Frontier (Fantasy diplomatic civilisation style game)
- The low born (Ad&d 1st edit)
- The Magic Torn Land. (Fantasy RPG - Free form)
- The Masks Of Destiny Campaign! (D&D 3.5)
- The Mazeworks (Cross genre multiversal adventuring )
- The Phoenix Tattoo (Fantasy)
- The Poseidon Initiative (Fantasy/Modernish)
- The Queens View Affair (Fantasy)
- The Realm (Fantasy RPG)
- The Shadow Guardians (Pathfinder Campaign (D&D 3.75))
- The Solace Campaign (Fantasy RPG)
- The Spiders Web (AD&D 3.5 ed)
- The Tetrad (Undead-Slaying Campaign)
- The Unlit World (3.5e Dungeons and Dragons)
- The various journeys and multiple adventures of The Wanderer (D&D 3.5E Fantasy exploration)
- The World of Annitul (ADnD)
- Thunder Rift White Box FMAG/BFRPG Play-by-Email (OSR Westmarches style Hexcrawl )
- Time Leap (fantasy wargame)
- To Kill a King (Fantasy)
- Torrausch (sport, manager, soccer, Torkontingent, fussballmanager, fantasy league, european leagues)
- Total Warfare (Fantasy Land Conquest)
- Tribes of Neire (Fantasy Political RPG and Wargame)
- Tribes! It's 50,000 BC - Do you know where your kids are? (Tribal Social Game)
- Trolls Bottom (Fun Fantasy)
- Tryn-Trava ( (fantasy funny wargame)
- Turning the Page (Several worlds of romance in one Yahoo group)
- Twilight: Journey (fantasy)
- Tyfira (fantasy role-playing game)
- Tylos 2nd ed Ad and d campaign (Fantasy)
- Unified Space Intelligence RPG (Scif-fi/fantasy RPG )
- Unplottable, A Hogwarts Game (Based on Harry Potter)
- Urmlaspyr - high level ADandD RPG (Fantasy RPG/strategy)
- Vampire Chronicles RPG (Fantasy)
- Vampires At War... Who Will Win (Vampires,lychans,witches and the fate of the human race oh my!)
- Vandread - The Aftermath (PBEM openended scifi roleplay)
- Varisian Adventures (fantasy, RPG, Pathfinder rules)
- Vikings Pbem (Fantasy)
- WantonPleasuresRPG (adult fantasy)
- War Cry (Fantasy, Strategy, RPG)
- War for Sienna Minor II ( War of the Power Stones) (fantasy wargame)
- War of the Power Stones (Fantasy Wargame)
- War of Wizards (Strategy Fantasy Turn Based Game)
- WAR OF WIZARDS (fantasy empire building game of magic)
- Wargame Project (Wargame )
- Warhammer Quest (Fantasy Boardgame)
- Warhammer quest for fun (Fantasy Role Playing Game)
- Where in the World (and Time) is Martin Padway? (Roleplay, fiction, time travel)
- White Plume Mountain - player wanted! (AD&D 1E (AD&D 1st Edition))
- Woldian Games (Pathfinder (DND 3.75))
- World of Conclave (high fantasy)
- World of Olympians (percy jackson,text-based, danish, demigods)
- World of Trexlin (Fantasy RPG)
- World of Unseen Arts (RPG Website)
- World of Urzeroth (Fantasy RPG - D&D based)
- World of Warhammer (Fantasy Roleplaying)
- WWE Resolution (Wrestling E-Fed)
- Wyrd (Fantasy roleplaying)
- Wyrldscape (fantasy role playing)
- X-Men RPG (X-Men Superhero Game)
- X-Men The Haven (School set in the Xmen animated universe )
- X-Men: Awakenings (X-Men, moviebased)
- Xott (Fantasy RPG)
- Xott Solo (Fantasy Role Playing Game)
- XPG (Superhero PBem based on the first X-Men Movie )
- Zytmirror's Plight (Fantasy Stategy Role-Playing)
- 2nd Ed AD&D game: Sacred Scolls campaign (AD&D 1st or 2nd edition) [ dead link ]
- A Ballad of Westeros (Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- A Call to Arms (AD&D PBEM) [ dead link ]
- Abeir-Toril (Fantasy Play by Post) [ dead link ]
- Ac1ds0ld13r (Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 Homebrew Setting) [ dead link ]
- Adventure Time (fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Adventurers of Renown: Ruins of Able-WyvernTM (ARRA) (fantasy, rpg, action) [ dead link ]
- Adventures in Hron (D&D, OD&D, Swords & Wizardry, Fantasy, PBEM) [ dead link ]
- Adylheim (fantasy, play-by-post) [ dead link ]
- Aegle Waygate (IRC text-based Medieval Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- After Alocer (supernatural apocalyptic urban fantasy) [ dead link ]
- After Day (Play-by-Post Sci-fi) [ dead link ]
- Alamaze (Fantasy Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Amaranthine (Fantasy pbem) [ dead link ]
- Anarchy in Anuire: A Birthright PBeM (fantasy rpg game) [ dead link ]
- Annon Mor / RotD / C A L U S I A (AD&D 2nd ed., classic campaign line leading to the creation of the genre) [ dead link ]
- Anubis Scripts (Play by Post) [ dead link ]
- Arena of Doom RPG PbA (Fantasy game with a hint of Roman Mythology) [ dead link ]
- ARENA OF DOOM! (medieval fantasy strategy game) [ dead link ]
- Arolos Weyr (Pern PbeM game) [ dead link ]
- Atlantis New Origins 2 (strategic economic/military, fantasy setting) [ dead link ]
- Austron (Fantasy (D&D 5e-ish)) [ dead link ]
- Avada Kedavra (RPG, forum, harry potter, fantasy, alternate universe) [ dead link ]
- Avalon (Fantasy, Medieval) [ dead link ]
- Basic Fantasy RPG - Marketstone Campaign (Fantasy PBeM using Basic Fantasy RPG ruleset) [ dead link ]
- Battle Master (medieval wargame) [ dead link ]
- Birthright - Hrvatski (fantasy ştrategic adventure) [ dead link ]
- Blasting Powder Wars (Steampunk Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Blood Pit (Gladiatorial Combat) [ dead link ]
- Cause & Effect (Fantasy, Fey, Sidhe) [ dead link ]
- Celandra - the Undying Land (Interactive History) (fantasy, world-building, roleplaying, freeform) [ dead link ]
- Celestial Prime Alliance (online role playing group ) [ dead link ]
- Celtic Pride (fantasy medieval) [ dead link ]
- Chronicles of Aether (Fantasy Historical) [ dead link ]
- Chronicles of Gaea (Fantasy steampunk modern scifi world-building) [ dead link ]
- Chronicles of Indur (fantasy, play by post, desert, medieval, ) [ dead link ]
- Clans (Fantasy Empire Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Code Name: Desert Hunt (Writing intensive futuristic RPG with two opposing sides.) [ dead link ]
- Code Red: Lost Ages (science fiction, action, mystery) [ dead link ]
- Completely Awesome Wrestling (modern wrestling) [ dead link ]
- Corinthia (Fantasy, adventure) [ dead link ]
- Crack Of Doom II (Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Creatures of the Night (fantasy, wargame) [ dead link ]
- Crimson Dancing (PbEM fantasy, based on world of Anita Blake) [ dead link ]
- Crossroads Freeform RPG (Fantasy Freeform) [ dead link ]
- Cruenti Dei (grand strategic fantasy wargame) [ dead link ]
- Curse of Strahd (fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Cyborn (RPG in a persistant world) [ dead link ]
- D&D Play-By-Comment Blog Game (Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Dark Commonwealth (Single-character fantasy narrative ) [ dead link ]
- Dawn - Birthright PBeM (fantacy, role-play, wargame, diplomacy, strategy) [ dead link ]
- DawnSea (2nd edition ADandD, unique campaign world) (free PBEM fantasy 2nd edition AD&D) [ dead link ]
- DBZ RPG (Freeplay, game, forum) [ dead link ]
- DDC Games - Naruto Roleplaying (Play by Post Roleplaying) [ dead link ]
- Deadly and Alone (Medieval Browser game) [ dead link ]
- Diversity Fleet (star trek, star wars, rpg, chatroom, pbmb, sim) [ dead link ]
- Dominions 3 (fantasy wargame) [ dead link ]
- Drachen Saga (Dungeons & Dragons ) [ dead link ]
- Dracus Rising: A Dungeons & Dragons Game (D&D play by post game.) [ dead link ]
- DRAGON QUEST (Dungeon & Dragons Style (but easier)) [ dead link ]
- Dragonlords! Fantasy Wargame (Fantasy Wargame) [ dead link ]
- DREAD WOLF (dragon age + panfandom) [ dead link ]
- Dungeon and Dragons 3.5 (Medieval Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Dungeon and Dragons 3.5 Campaigns (Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Dungeons and Dragons Solo Campaign (D&D 5.0) [ dead link ]
- DungeonWorld (fantasy adventure) [ dead link ]
- Earthdawn (Dungeon & Dragons) [ dead link ]
- Elite Warzone Entertainment (Wrestling Game) [ dead link ]
- Empire Diplomacy (fantasy wargame, diplomacy) [ dead link ]
- Empire Forge (free fantasy wargame) [ dead link ]
- Eos Nyx (fey modern fantasy) [ dead link ]
- EPIC D20 Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Gaming Group (Play-By-Post, AD&D, Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Eressea (strategic economic/military, fantasy setting) [ dead link ]
- Evereras (High Medieval Fantasy Text-Based Story-Driven RPG) [ dead link ]
- EverWood Races (fantasy horse-racing sim) [ dead link ]
- Evolution Athens RPG (Free Browser Based RPG) [ dead link ]
- Exile (hand-moderated fantasy rpg) [ dead link ]
- Fallen Race (DnD 3.5) (adult fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Fallen RPG (Browser Based RPG, Mythical) [ dead link ]
- FANTASY CHAPTERS (High Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- fantasy football commissioner (fantasy ) [ dead link ]
- Fantasy Nations (Fantasy wargame) [ dead link ]
- Fantasya - Welt des Traumes (fantasy, atlantis clone, mostly german players) [ dead link ]
- Fate of a Nation (fantasy strategy) [ dead link ]
- For The Love Of A Goddess (Romance, Adventure, Adult, Comedy) [ dead link ]
- Foralia RPG - Original Fantasy Political Drama (PBEM, Fantasy, Political, Drama, Original) [ dead link ]
- Forest's Edge Hold (Pern) [ dead link ]
- From The Pavilion (Strategy Sports) [ dead link ]
- Galaxy PLUS (diplomatic sf wargame, free, strategy, most popular PBeM game in Russia) [ dead link ]
- GDA RPG (Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Gondor, Battle of the Lost Realms (Fantasy wargame) [ dead link ]
- Grave Times (Survival Horror) [ dead link ]
- Graviton University (free form, open ended, cross genre anime RPG) [ dead link ]
- Green Dragon Adventure (Fantasy Strategy Play by Post Game) [ dead link ]
- Green Dragon Adventures (fantasy strategy game) [ dead link ]
- Green Dragon Adventures (2) (solo fantasy rpg game for the busy individual) [ dead link ]
- Green Dragon Adventures RPG (Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Guild Adventures (Online Fantasy Board Game Live) [ dead link ]
- Harn Chronicles PBEM (email fantasy pbem) [ dead link ]
- Harrison County Government Sim Game (Government, Sim, Online) [ dead link ]
- Harry Potter the War Is ON (fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Heldenwelt (Fantasy adventure) [ dead link ]
- Heroes of Thedas (Narrative Role-Playing Based On The Dragon Age Setting) [ dead link ]
- Hidden Sanctuary (Fantasy, World-Wide) [ dead link ]
- High Reaches Weyr (Dragonrider of Pern) [ dead link ]
- Hybrid Realms (fantasy RPG, chat, forums) [ dead link ]
- I6 Ravenloft (AD&D) [ dead link ]
- Ilkor: Dark Rising (Fantasy RPG) [ dead link ]
- Imperium (medieval war mmorpg) [ dead link ]
- Ironlands (fantasy roleplaying) [ dead link ]
- Jersey Justice: A Superhero RPG (Superhero) [ dead link ]
- K1k / Crazbyia (Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Kaldor in Flames (Play by Email Fantasy Role Playing Game) [ dead link ]
- Kingdoms of Arcania (fantasy wargame) [ dead link ]
- L'univers du Flow (fantasy) [ dead link ]
- La Conquete Du Monde (Play by Email Pro Wrestling Game) [ dead link ]
- LeBR3 - Birthright (Fantasy RPG/wargame) [ dead link ]
- Legacies Of Thorn (Political Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Legend of the Green Dragon (simple fantasy semi-RPG) [ dead link ]
- Legends: Blood Tides Rising 3 Explorer (Fantasy Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Living Mercenaries (Palladium game System (Megaversal)) [ dead link ]
- Lords of Theeurth (Large scale fantasy wargame) [ dead link ]
- Lost and Found (Fantasy Play by Post) [ dead link ]
- Magic Wars (Original fantasy, anime-style set in present time earth) [ dead link ]
- mailgames24 (fantasy tactics game BattleOrcs and board games) [ dead link ]
- Marvel Superheroes TSR - Cosmic (Superhero) [ dead link ]
- Mazes and Minotaurs RPG PbA (Greek Mythological Game) [ dead link ]
- Michigan Marvels - Save the City or Stay at Prom? (Superhero ) [ dead link ]
- Middgeard - An Atlantis 5.2.0 Game (Fantasy ) [ dead link ]
- Middle Earth Play by Mail (Fantasy Wargame) [ dead link ]
- MilwaukeeJoe's Grind4E Play-By-Blog (Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition) [ dead link ]
- Mind Blast (Fantasy RPG) [ dead link ]
- Ministry of Magic (Harry Potter, Play By Post) [ dead link ]
- Mission Implausible (RPG ) [ dead link ]
- MORASHITAR (Sword & Sorcery) [ dead link ]
- Mroczne fantasy - polish game (Świat fantasy) [ dead link ]
- MYR CXLIV (Cross-genre with fantasy feel.) [ dead link ]
- Mysteries in San Cibola (Urban Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Naruto D20 The New Era (Naruto PBP) [ dead link ]
- New London (Urban Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Night's Master (1st Ed AD&D) [ dead link ]
- Nine Worlds (fantasy, role play, wargame) [ dead link ]
- Nine Worlds: Niflheim (Fantasy, Norse, Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Nocturnal Reverie (Medevil, Fantasy, Play by Post) [ dead link ]
- Nocturne (Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Obsidian Arena (Gladiator) [ dead link ]
- Olympia Game 3 (Fantasy wargame) [ dead link ]
- One Minute Ago (Harry Potter, adult, fantasy, magic) [ dead link ]
- Online football management game (free manager game) [ dead link ]
- Open Ended Adventure Game (Freely Editable Choose-Your-Own Adventure style Game) [ dead link ]
- Pathfinder (Medieval Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Pathfinder (Roleplay, Fantasy, Homebrewed) [ dead link ]
- PBEMFRPG for Game Directors (Fantasy Role-playing Game SYSTEM) [ dead link ]
- Per Annum: The Circle of Time (fantasy, medieval, science fiction, modern) [ dead link ]
- Phoenix (Fantasy, Strategy) [ dead link ]
- Phoenyx Fantasy Lexicon (Fantasy lexicon quasi-roleplaying game) [ dead link ]
- Play by Posting (All kinds) [ dead link ]
- Pools of Imagination (Adult, freeform rpg and message board) [ dead link ]
- Purebloods Only (Harry Potter/Marauder Era) [ dead link ]
- Ramath-lehi (Fantasy, futuristic, play-by-post, free form, pendragons) [ dead link ]
- RavenQuest (Fantasy Roleplaying) [ dead link ]
- Raw Valence (steam punk, apocalyptic, modern, war, high fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Realms of Adventures (Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Remnant Core (Free-form Steampunk Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Ribenheim (fantasy, RPG, epic) [ dead link ]
- Ringill (Original fantasy RPG, free form) [ dead link ]
- Rising Empires (medieval nation building) [ dead link ]
- Risky Wars! (Abstract wargame) [ dead link ]
- Robotech: Macross Saga (Space Oprera, Sci-fi, Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Rondak's Portal (over 300 games of various types) [ dead link ]
- RPG Center (any) [ dead link ]
- RPG Freak (PBP RPG) [ dead link ]
- Saga Of Nightstalker (ADnD) [ dead link ]
- Saiyajin Elite DBZ RPG (turn based text style DBZ RPG) [ dead link ]
- Salroth Ages (Semi-Freeform fantasy timetravel) [ dead link ]
- Scarlor: There will be blood (Ad&d 1st edition) [ dead link ]
- SCOURGE (Apocalyptic, vampire, human, canine, equine, RPG) [ dead link ]
- Serim Ral (Fantasy Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Serim Ral 2nd Edition (fantasy wargames) [ dead link ]
- Seven Descending (horror-fantasy, fiction, modern, seven deadly sins) [ dead link ]
- Shadow Adventures (Fantasy RPG, Dungeons & Dragons) [ dead link ]
- Shadow of the Crystals (fantasy roleplaying game) [ dead link ]
- Shadows of Anuire (Birthright 2nd edition AD&D) [ dead link ]
- Shelf Space (based-on, book, comic, gang, forum-based, rpg) [ dead link ]
- Shootclub Fantasy Wrestling (Fantasy Wrestling) [ dead link ]
- Sinari (Fantasy/Steampunk, FFRP, IRC) [ dead link ]
- Slainte Mhath (Urban Fantasy Collaborative Fiction) [ dead link ]
- Smoke and Mirrors (Freeform PBEM historical fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Spaeculum (unique fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Stone Token (D&D 3.5) [ dead link ]
- Stonehythe (fantasy, medieval) [ dead link ]
- Stormpoint (Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Super Gang (simulation) [ dead link ]
- Supernatural - End of the Road (Fandom, Supernatural TV Show) [ dead link ]
- Surrender (gothic fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Survival Of The Horniest (Fantasy, D&D 3.5, Adult, Sexual / Erotic Themes Allowed, Sandbox Game) [ dead link ]
- SwordLands PBeM (Medieval Fantasy Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Túlélõk Földje (Fantasy, PBM-PBEM, Open ended) [ dead link ]
- Tales from Agelen (2nd ed. D&D) [ dead link ]
- Tarmellion (Fantasy roleplaying wargame) [ dead link ]
- TavernLore (Beta Test #1) (Fantasy MMORPG, PBEM/Forum, ORG combined!) [ dead link ]
- Tenka Fubu (Politically Centered Prose Heavy 3.0/3.5 Oriental Adventures) [ dead link ]
- Terelihm: Mono A Many (DND 3.5 World Exploration) [ dead link ]
- Thar Shaddin (freeform, message board, pbp, fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Tharnak (german storytelling fantasy RPG) [ dead link ]
- The August Engine (D&D 4E with Steampunk Influence) [ dead link ]
- The Blood Queen - Crimson Demise (Vampire, Post-Apoctlyptic) [ dead link ]
- The Chronicles of the Fey (Fantasy: Fey ) [ dead link ]
- The City, After (Post Apocalyptic Fantasy Game) [ dead link ]
- The Collective Isles (Fantasy ) [ dead link ]
- The Coming of the Zioth (epic fantasy (low-magic), political, mystery) [ dead link ]
- The Crown of Erynnor (Fantasy PBEM) [ dead link ]
- The Crystal Millennium (Sailor Moon-themed) [ dead link ]
- The Dawn OF time (BB Rpg) [ dead link ]
- The Elder Scrolls: Brotherhood (Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- The Empire of Mithras (TFT, Fantasy, RPG, adventure) [ dead link ]
- The Fantastic Ethereal Roleplaying Board (Cross-Genre, Time Travelling Extravaganza) [ dead link ]
- The First Men (ASOIAF, Total War, Stratagy, PBEM) [ dead link ]
- The Free City of Greyhawk (fanasty roleplaying) [ dead link ]
- The Great Beyond (Forum Role-Play) [ dead link ]
- The Infernal Machine (Dungeons & Dragons Open PBEM) [ dead link ]
- The Kingdom of Barovia (AD&D 2nd edition PBEM) [ dead link ]
- The Last Stop (PbP Dark Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- The Lords of Terre the Sword of Destiny (Fantasy wargame) [ dead link ]
- The Ninja RP (Naruto Fandom) [ dead link ]
- The Pyramid (DnD 3.0) [ dead link ]
- The Quest for the Hefalump (Comedy Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- The Rpg Table (scpae game, fantasy game, action game,wargame the list grows everyday) [ dead link ]
- The Setting Blood-Sun of Inurma (fantasy) [ dead link ]
- The Shadow Realms (Dungeons & Dragons v3.5) [ dead link ]
- The Shadows (Modern fantasy) [ dead link ]
- The Shelves (Action Figure Simulation) [ dead link ]
- The Silver Morning Star (fantasy, dragon rider, Eragon, post) [ dead link ]
- The Sundering Of The Veil (Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- the temple of Elemental Evil (fantasy RPG) [ dead link ]
- The Twilightus Universe (rpg community) [ dead link ]
- The Warren (Fantasy, historical) [ dead link ]
- The World of Feila (furry rpg) [ dead link ]
- The World of Malirul (Fantasy Kingdom Rulership) [ dead link ]
- The Yamari Empire (Amazonian fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Threads of Fate (all-encompassing game ) [ dead link ]
- Tialka Tribe (fantasy animal) [ dead link ]
- Tombstone RPG PbA (Wild West with Native American Mythology) [ dead link ]
- Triad Weyrs (fantasy, dragonriders of pern, pern) [ dead link ]
- Trials of the Gladiatrix (fantasy, D&D) [ dead link ]
- U.S.S. Gemini (Roleplaying, Space Opera, Star Trek, SMS) [ dead link ]
- U.S.S. Poseidon (NOVA-Based Star Trek RPG Simm) [ dead link ]
- United Astral Commonwealth (Star Trek, Epic, PBeM, IRC) [ dead link ]
- Use the Spark (steampunk intrigue) [ dead link ]
- USS Pioneer NCC 81277 - A (Star Trek PBem) [ dead link ]
- USS Scorpio NCC 77947 (Star Trek RPG) [ dead link ]
- USS Trafalgar (2) (Star Trek, RPG, Star Fleet, Obsidian) [ dead link ]
- Vampire: Infinite Quest (RPG, Play by Message Board) [ dead link ]
- Village of Orin (Dungeons and Dragons 4E game) [ dead link ]
- VIRTUAL BIGGER BROTHER (Text based big brother game) [ dead link ]
- War of Rythanis (Stategy, PbP, fantas wargame) [ dead link ]
- War of the Dark God (fantasy wargame) [ dead link ]
- Warcery (Fantasy duel game) [ dead link ]
- Waterdeep: City of Splendors (Forgotten Realms DnD) [ dead link ]
- West Kingdom: Swords and Wizardry Play-by-Blog (Fantasy ) [ dead link ]
- Westeros rp (fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Winterwood: As the world falls down... (Fantasy, play-by-post, RPG, Roleplay) [ dead link ]
- Wizards Inc. (Modern fantasy) [ dead link ]
- World of Alala (Fantasy character driven RPG) [ dead link ]
- World of Chaos (Cross-Genre: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Horror) [ dead link ]
- World of Lore (Fantasy, Medieval PBMB, PBEM, play by post RPG) [ dead link ]
- World of Pangea (Medieval Fantasy ) [ dead link ]
- World of Scarlor (ad&d 1st edition) [ dead link ]
- World of Shadows (freeform science fiction pbem) [ dead link ]
- Worlds Collide (fantasy freeform original setting) [ dead link ]
- Wringworld (Dungeons & Dragons RPG Campaign) [ dead link ]
- WWE vs. LWO (Roleplaying Game, Sim) [ dead link ]
- X-Men: NeXus (Modern Abstract) [ dead link ]
- Xarta (original medieval fantasy play-by-group ) [ dead link ]
- XPG - An X-Men based RPG (Super Hero) [ dead link ]
- XWP Writing and Role Play (Ancient World Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Xyhora (fantasy strategy) [ dead link ]
- You Play It (Board Games) [ dead link ]
- Zaidan-Tai (Fantasy roleplaying on a strategic level) [ dead link ]
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Greg Lindahl