Games in this category:
- Adventure Kings (Fantasy, RPG, Wargame, Email)
- Adventurer Kings (fantasy wargame and adventures)
- Adventurer's Arena AD+D v3.5 (Fantasy)
- Age of Wonders (fantasy wargame)
- Ali Sabra's Champions Cup I (Soccer (Football) Fantasy game)
- Among the Wondergroves (Fantasy rpg)
- Arcane Journeys (Web-based Fantasy&Sci-fi single player games)
- Cazorp Mines (AD&D 3ed Email Adventure)
- Clash of Legends (Fantasy wargame)
- Classic fantasy game, each player goes solo (fantasy)
- Conclave (Cooperative fantasy RPG)
- Cooper Crazy league (Fantasy )
- Death Before Dishonor (Engarde!)
- Dominions (fantasy wargame)
- Dragonlords (Fantasy wargame)
- Empire (Fantasy Wargame)
- Engle Matrix Games (mystery, horror, spy, wargame)
- Feudal Lords (other) (Medieval turn-based PBM game)
- FFO Manager (Fantasy Football)
- Firetop Mountain (Ritual battles between the Mages of Old)
- Forgotten Realms -- War of the Avatars (fantasy wargame)
- Greyhawk (Military Political )
- Helhest Saga (Viking Werewolves plague)
- HOMM=like Battle Royale (Fantasy competitive turn based)
- horrors of the past (Dungeons &Dragons 3.5 forgotten realms RPG)
- Hyborian War (fantasy wargame)
- Into the Frozen Waste (fantasy, ad&d, 1st edition)
- Iridear: Land of the 5 temples (war diplomacy strategy fantasy)
- Le Nécromant (Middle Earth Diplomacy)
- Legends (English) (Fantasy mixed Role Playing and Empire)
- Legends (German) (Strategic Fantasy)
- Lizards! (Fantasy wargame)
- Lords of Gyrne (Fantasy Strategy Wargame)
- Mercenaries of Adventure (fantasy AD&D 1st edition)
- MUTANT FUTURE pbem (pbem,post apoc,rpg)
- Mythicor (Strategic Fantasy)
- NeverEve III (AD&D Fantasy PBEM)
- Olympia: The Age of Gods (fantasy)
- Ork (fantasy empire-building game)
- Ostrakism (roleplaying + diplomatic)
- Pathfinder Legacy of Fire (Fantasy)
- Possible Hero's (Fantasy RPG)
- qick, competitive rpg (straight-action rpg, not much "role plazing")
- Ravenloft: Virtue challenged (Fantasy horror)
- RPG Gathering (open-game multi-genre board)
- Shards of Moonlight (fantasy adventure)
- Shayyered Star (fantasy )
- Skyland (fantasy medieval)
- TCR Games (PBEM RPG Games)
- The Caves of Doom (ADD 2nd Ed)
- The Island Frontier (Fantasy diplomatic civilisation style game)
- Torrausch (sport, manager, soccer, Torkontingent, fussballmanager, fantasy league, european leagues)
- Total Warfare (Fantasy Land Conquest)
- Tribes! It's 50,000 BC - Do you know where your kids are? (Tribal Social Game)
- Trolls Bottom (Fun Fantasy)
- Tryn-Trava ( (fantasy funny wargame)
- Varisian Adventures (fantasy, RPG, Pathfinder rules)
- War for Sienna Minor II ( War of the Power Stones) (fantasy wargame)
- War of Wizards (Strategy Fantasy Turn Based Game)
- WAR OF WIZARDS (fantasy empire building game of magic)
- Adventure Time (fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Alamaze (Fantasy Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Clans (Fantasy Empire Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Creatures of the Night (fantasy, wargame) [ dead link ]
- Dawn - Birthright PBeM (fantacy, role-play, wargame, diplomacy, strategy) [ dead link ]
- Dragonlords! Fantasy Wargame (Fantasy Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Empire Diplomacy (fantasy wargame, diplomacy) [ dead link ]
- Empire Forge (free fantasy wargame) [ dead link ]
- From The Pavilion (Strategy Sports) [ dead link ]
- Galaxy PLUS (diplomatic sf wargame, free, strategy, most popular PBeM game in Russia) [ dead link ]
- Gondor, Battle of the Lost Realms (Fantasy wargame) [ dead link ]
- Green Dragon Adventure (Fantasy Strategy Play by Post Game) [ dead link ]
- Guild Adventures (Online Fantasy Board Game Live) [ dead link ]
- Imperium (medieval war mmorpg) [ dead link ]
- Kingdoms of Arcania (fantasy wargame) [ dead link ]
- Legends: Blood Tides Rising 3 Explorer (Fantasy Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Middle Earth Play by Mail (Fantasy Wargame) [ dead link ]
- MilwaukeeJoe's Grind4E Play-By-Blog (Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition) [ dead link ]
- Mission Implausible (RPG ) [ dead link ]
- Phoenyx Fantasy Lexicon (Fantasy lexicon quasi-roleplaying game) [ dead link ]
- Risky Wars! (Abstract wargame) [ dead link ]
- Serim Ral (Fantasy Wargame) [ dead link ]
- Serim Ral 2nd Edition (fantasy wargames) [ dead link ]
- Seven Descending (horror-fantasy, fiction, modern, seven deadly sins) [ dead link ]
- TavernLore (Beta Test #1) (Fantasy MMORPG, PBEM/Forum, ORG combined!) [ dead link ]
- Tharnak (german storytelling fantasy RPG) [ dead link ]
- The Blood Queen - Crimson Demise (Vampire, Post-Apoctlyptic) [ dead link ]
- The Last Stop (PbP Dark Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- VIRTUAL BIGGER BROTHER (Text based big brother game) [ dead link ]
- War of the Dark God (fantasy wargame) [ dead link ]
- XWP Writing and Role Play (Ancient World Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Xyhora (fantasy strategy) [ dead link ]
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