Games in this category:
- A Study In Escalation (Free Form Strategy)
- Chrestonim (Science Fantasy)
- Crastini Venient (Fantasy, light sci-fi)
- Dark Marauders RPG (harry potter)
- Dark World RPG (Free-form Fantasy)
- Dead Men Tell No Tales (fantasy, pirates, Royal Navy, Caribbean)
- Dragonfire Keep (fantasy)
- Dungeoneer PBEM (free-form, fantasy, dungeon crawl)
- Elderon (D&D, Homebrew, Fantasy)
- Elenlond - Turn the Pages and Write Your Own Tale! (freeform fantasy)
- Emberverse PBEM (Post Apocalyptic Modern Fantasy)
- Ghoulies Ghosties and Beasties (Adult Fantasy)
- Greyhawk (Military Political )
- Infernal Planes (Demonic strategy game)
- Ishamael, a wheel of time RPG (epic fantasy, medieval, unusual physics )
- Kingdom (world building collaborative simulation)
- Legion - Rise of the Metahuman (Superhero pbem)
- Michigan Marvels (Teen Heroes)
- Mizahar (fantasy roleplay forum)
- Nation of Odrium (Fantasy Political Wargame)
- One-on-one gaming (or a small group)? (Open)
- Outlanders: Trials in the Deathlands (Science Fantasy, Horror, Post Holocaust)
- Passing Through Twilight RPG (7th Year Canon Harry Potter)
- PBeM-Spiele - die Welt der E-Mail-Spiele (Web-Portal)
- QFGC (high fantasy)
- Quidam (free-form, open ended, fantasy, leaning mostly towards vampires and werewolves right now)
- Ragnarok (wolf, sled dog, human)
- Return of the Gods (Sci Fi, fantasy)
- Rivers Run (18+ afterlife, low-fantasy, survival)
- RPG Forums Online (Free form fantasy and message board based RPGs)
- Skyborn Warriors (Sci Fi, fantasy)
- Smallville: Shadows of Future Present (Superhero, romance)
- Stronghold (Civilization)
- Terra Fallita (Fantasy Roleplaying, Free Form, Medieval,)
- The 'Verse of Something Like It (Firefly PBEM)
- The 500 Baronies (Fantasy, RPG)
- The Tetrad (Undead-Slaying Campaign)
- Twilight: Journey (fantasy)
- Unified Space Intelligence RPG (Scif-fi/fantasy RPG )
- Unplottable, A Hogwarts Game (Based on Harry Potter)
- XPG (Superhero PBem based on the first X-Men Movie )
- Zytmirror's Plight (Fantasy Stategy Role-Playing)
- Adylheim (fantasy, play-by-post) [ dead link ]
- Arena of Doom RPG PbA (Fantasy game with a hint of Roman Mythology) [ dead link ]
- Avada Kedavra (RPG, forum, harry potter, fantasy, alternate universe) [ dead link ]
- Chronicles of Gaea (Fantasy steampunk modern scifi world-building) [ dead link ]
- Chronicles of Indur (fantasy, play by post, desert, medieval, ) [ dead link ]
- Code Red: Lost Ages (science fiction, action, mystery) [ dead link ]
- Completely Awesome Wrestling (modern wrestling) [ dead link ]
- DREAD WOLF (dragon age + panfandom) [ dead link ]
- Evereras (High Medieval Fantasy Text-Based Story-Driven RPG) [ dead link ]
- For The Love Of A Goddess (Romance, Adventure, Adult, Comedy) [ dead link ]
- Graviton University (free form, open ended, cross genre anime RPG) [ dead link ]
- Harry Potter the War Is ON (fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Hybrid Realms (fantasy RPG, chat, forums) [ dead link ]
- Jersey Justice: A Superhero RPG (Superhero) [ dead link ]
- Lost and Found (Fantasy Play by Post) [ dead link ]
- Mazes and Minotaurs RPG PbA (Greek Mythological Game) [ dead link ]
- Open Ended Adventure Game (Freely Editable Choose-Your-Own Adventure style Game) [ dead link ]
- Per Annum: The Circle of Time (fantasy, medieval, science fiction, modern) [ dead link ]
- Pools of Imagination (Adult, freeform rpg and message board) [ dead link ]
- Ramath-lehi (Fantasy, futuristic, play-by-post, free form, pendragons) [ dead link ]
- Ringill (Original fantasy RPG, free form) [ dead link ]
- RPG Freak (PBP RPG) [ dead link ]
- Salroth Ages (Semi-Freeform fantasy timetravel) [ dead link ]
- Smoke and Mirrors (Freeform PBEM historical fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Spaeculum (unique fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Thar Shaddin (freeform, message board, pbp, fantasy) [ dead link ]
- Tharnak (german storytelling fantasy RPG) [ dead link ]
- The Crystal Millennium (Sailor Moon-themed) [ dead link ]
- The Dawn OF time (BB Rpg) [ dead link ]
- The Fantastic Ethereal Roleplaying Board (Cross-Genre, Time Travelling Extravaganza) [ dead link ]
- The Last Stop (PbP Dark Fantasy) [ dead link ]
- The Shelves (Action Figure Simulation) [ dead link ]
- The Silver Morning Star (fantasy, dragon rider, Eragon, post) [ dead link ]
- Tialka Tribe (fantasy animal) [ dead link ]
- Tombstone RPG PbA (Wild West with Native American Mythology) [ dead link ]
- United Astral Commonwealth (Star Trek, Epic, PBeM, IRC) [ dead link ]
- Use the Spark (steampunk intrigue) [ dead link ]
- USS Trafalgar (2) (Star Trek, RPG, Star Fleet, Obsidian) [ dead link ]
- War of Rythanis (Stategy, PbP, fantas wargame) [ dead link ]
- Warcery (Fantasy duel game) [ dead link ]
- Wizards Inc. (Modern fantasy) [ dead link ]
- World of Alala (Fantasy character driven RPG) [ dead link ]
- World of Shadows (freeform science fiction pbem) [ dead link ]
- X-Men: NeXus (Modern Abstract) [ dead link ]
- XPG - An X-Men based RPG (Super Hero) [ dead link ]
- You Play It (Board Games) [ dead link ]
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