Re: Trade

P.J.M. Beerepoot (
Fri, 28 May 1999 18:19:45 +0200

No this is incorrect. Many more cities will still buy it - in effect 50% of
the cities minus 1 - provided the market slot is still open. They may even
buy it at a higher price!


-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: geoff Cook <>
Aan: Basil A. Daoust <>; Bill <>
CC: <>
Datum: vrijdag 28 mei 1999 12:08
Onderwerp: Re: Trade

>>> Once a market has been found for the tradegood (Ivory [s376]) all other
>>> cities that WERE possible markets are reset by the computer to have no
>>> interest in that tradegood (Ivory [s376]) again.
>>No I don't believe that is the case... if you wished to find multiple
>>buying cities I believe that would be viable... though usually running a
>>route in one direction is enough work.
>What this does mean is that multiple factions (or two nobles from the one
>faction) could run the same trade good, selling them in different cities,
>long as these factions co-ordinated their efforts so that only one faction
>was attempting to buy the goods in any one turn

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