Re: More Trade

P.J.M. Beerepoot (
Fri, 28 May 1999 18:26:39 +0200

The tradegood will disappear in the selling city first and then the buying
city will buy 1 final load. If that load is never sold to that buying city,
because for instance it was sold elsewhere, the tradegood will not
disappear in the buying city. However new tradeslots have become available
in both buying and selling cities and use of 732 and 733 will be succesfull
again, provided the buying city has been selected to to be part and parcel
of the 50% selection.


-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: geoff Cook <>
Aan: <>
Datum: vrijdag 28 mei 1999 16:16
Onderwerp: More Trade

>If I buy an existing trade good from a city then use Find Market to set up
>trade route to another city, and then say 10 turns later the trade good
>disappears because the 24-36 months are up since rare tradegood found,
>the market disappear at this point or will I be stuck with a useless market
>for a non existant tradegood until the 24-36 months are up since I found

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