Re: A raspy voice from beyond :
Fri, 21 May 1999 13:48:32 EDT

In a message dated 5/21/99 12:43:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> In any case, now it's out for all to see. I have the Imperial Throne,
> having stolen it from the New Empire 10 game years ago. I will teleport
> to the first non-LotC faction who can build a castle on Mt. Olympus.
> is eligible--TIBS, Rimmon, Jackal, BorG, Bandit, even the yellow dog
> Cendage--send me proof and the throne is yours. Rule Olympia, and
> (hopefully), end this game, and with it put the final stake into the LotC.

The TIBs officially claim Mt. Olympus as their territory.
All TIB rules of conduct apply.

Heck, it's worth a shot :-)

Eric the Seehawk

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