Re: A raspy voice from beyond :

P.J.M. Beerepoot (
Fri, 21 May 1999 20:12:10 +0200

Is the all seeing hawk, trying to climb to Olympian heights :-) archers !


-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: <>
Aan: <>
Datum: vrijdag 21 mei 1999 19:58
Onderwerp: Re: A raspy voice from beyond :

>In a message dated 5/21/99 12:43:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
>> In any case, now it's out for all to see. I have the Imperial Throne,
>> having stolen it from the New Empire 10 game years ago. I will
>> to the first non-LotC faction who can build a castle on Mt. Olympus.
>> is eligible--TIBS, Rimmon, Jackal, BorG, Bandit, even the yellow dog
>> Cendage--send me proof and the throne is yours. Rule Olympia, and
>> (hopefully), end this game, and with it put the final stake into the
>The TIBs officially claim Mt. Olympus as their territory.
>All TIB rules of conduct apply.
>Heck, it's worth a shot :-)
>Eric the Seehawk

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