Re: A raspy voice from beyond :

Reinis (
Fri, 21 May 1999 20:14:10 +0300

I felt this to be a nice chance to be rude and to laugh at people and just
to argue - i like all these things and there's nothing personal directed at
Robert - consider me just being stupid answering machine at the moment. I
just couldn't help leaving this message without an answer (though it'll look
more like flaming, sorry).

>This was meant to be a private conversation. My correspondent felt the
>to make it public, perhaps as an attempt to embarass me. I didn't even
>realize it until a friend pointed it out--it didn't occur to me that anyone
>would sink that low.

you've nice friends. what would you think if no one would tell you what
everything looks like.

>Perhaps their vaunted strategic prowess comes down to attempting to
>win a game by making it distasteful for others to play. Sort of like
>farting during a poker game.

never new about such element in the game. should try this next time. btw do
other body sounds work as well?

>In any case, now it's out for all to see. I have the Imperial Throne,
>having stolen it from the New Empire 10 game years ago.

at last someone admits the trone was stolen and by these historical words
finaly new empire war (or yellowleaf war or the first yellowleaf war) can be
considered as being finished.

>I will teleport it
>to the first non-LotC faction who can build a castle on Mt. Olympus.
>is eligible--TIBS, Rimmon, Jackal, BorG, Bandit,

these are alliances not factions.
but better hurry - when plato will be finished you'll have to ask LotC to
teleport you the trone.

>Rule Olympia, and
>(hopefully), end this game,

rules state this is and open-ended game. is this one more bug Rich does not
want to fix?

>and with it put the final stake into the LotC.

====the text bellow is not laughing or commenting or being rude or
whatever - i'm really curious======
what does it have to do with imperial throne? is there anything else not
written in the rules? like who has a castle on mt.olumpus and has the throne
is absolute ruler? this is very interesting concept in the game.


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