Re: Gloating Codrickers
Tue, 18 May 1999 09:20:33 EDT

In a message dated 5/18/99 5:57:38 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

> BTW: the exploiting of bugs as used and promoted here is enough to be
> excluded in many other pb(e)m games...

As well it should be Tom.
As I mentioned before, I play in other pbem games in addition to Olympia. In
those games the moderator(s) is much more active in addressing bug reports
and either fixing them, declaring them features, or issuing a warning not to
abuse them.

By his lack of response to bug reports the moderator in Olympia in effect
encourages their use. If I discover a "trick" not covered in the rules and
I'm not told whether it's a bug or a feature, I would be stupid not to use it
to the fullest benefit of my faction and alliance. If and when the moderator
addresses it I will stop using it.

This is not an attempt to take Rich to task or to complain about the game
support. I have come to grips with the fact that Olympia does not receive
the moderator support that I would hope it did. So it is up to me to decide
whether or not I want to continue to play in a game with the level of support
offered by Olympia. It is up to each of us to make the decision, and live
with it.

The fact is bugs are part of Olympia. They always have been and always will
be. If you can't live with that you should probably leave the game.


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