RE: Proof is in the pudding

Graeme Anderson (
Tue, 18 May 1999 15:14:09 +0200

Ah! So that's why they made me make nothing but Necros when I joined
them long ago and gave me all those strange old tattered parchments. I was
wondering if they also were all complete masochists lining up as though for
an autograph crying:

"Blast ME!",
"No, me first!",
"No, he's already had it this month, it's my turn!"

Shame that the place has gone to ruins, even the fleas are undead.
The whole place is getting a bit rank and anyone who may invade LotC lands
would promptly turn around after being sick from the stench of rotten flesh
and cabbage.

I was thinking of turning turncoat and taking the hides off these
drums to sell to invading parties as makeshift buckets. Well worth the 2
weight if you're in the area.

I wouldn't complain much normally but with all these midnight
parties, exotic narcotics, dances and blood drinking I'm feeling a bit run
down. I'm also running out of Orcs' ears to make the candles, nasty job you

They say "Don't moan, you can sleep when you're dead". Sadly moaning
is all you hear in this neighborhood instead of birds in the trees and well,
if only I COULD die to sleep, easier said than done for us immortals you
know! All you get is a one way ticket to the sunny side and they don't even
provide sunglasses let alone Hawain shirts or cocktails! Honestly!

Oledema Firstborn, about to check into the Betty Ford Home for the
braindead undead

> At 16:02 17/05/99 -0700, Richard Gabriel wrote:
> >
> >>BTW:
> >>Quote Maltar : "If the Lords of the Crown continue to outproduce the
> >>rest of us in aura, they indeed have a significant edge, and may be able
> to
> >>fight us to a stalemate."

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