Re: Missing NP's
Tue, 18 May 1999 08:57:15 -0400

On 15 May 99, at 22:19, Bron Nelson wrote:


> On the "terrorize" front: I recieved 2 reasonably complete reports,
> which lead to an interesting hypothesis: it appeared as if when the
> check was made to see if the terrorizing faction had enough NP's to
> gain control of the character, the game was checking the NP's of the
> character who was *doing* the terrorizing, rather than the noble
> *being* terrorized. If other people could check to confirm or deny
> this hypothesis, I'd appreciate it. Note however it is only the
> preliminary check which seems to be bad: if you pass the check, then
> the correct number of NP's get transfered when the noble actually
> changes sides.
My experience bears this hypothesis out, though the transfer failed
because I did not have 3 NP (when only one should have been

In my case, the noble doing the TERRORIZE was a 3 NP noble (my
original Oath-2 noble). The noble being terrorized was a 1 NP
noble. The terrorize failed:

10: > terrorize XXXX 99
10: Attempt to gain the loyalty of Justin Silvermane [XXXX] through
16: Health of Justin Silvermane [XXXX] is now 1.
16: Don't have 3 NPs to take control of Justin Silvermane [XXXX].

The above is from my Turn 115 report. From a Turn 113 report:
2: Learned the skills of Justin Silvermane [XXXX]:
2: Skills known:
2: Shipcraft [600]
2: Sailing [601], apprentice
2: Combat [610]
2: Survive fatal wound [611]
2: Defense [614], journeyman
2: Archery [615], adept
2: Weaponsmithing [617], journeyman
2: Construction [680]
2: Stone quarrying [682], grand master
2: Alchemy [690]
2: Mining [720]
2: Mine iron [721], adept
2: Mine gold [722], journeyman

>From a Vision received (I think) during Turn 108:
11: Someone Nameless [YYYY] receives a vision of Justin
Silvermane [XXXX]:
11: Location: New roundship [ZZZZ], in province East Ossicus
11: Coast [AAAA], in Ossicus
11: Loyalty: Fear-9
11: Health: 100%
11: Combat: attack 80, defense 52, missile 59
11: behind 2 (stay behind in combat)
11: Break point: 50%
11: Skills known:
11: Shipcraft [600]
11: Sailing [601], apprentice
11: Combat [610]
11: Survive fatal wound [611]
11: Defense [614], apprentice
11: Archery [615], adept
11: Weaponsmithing [617], journeyman
11: Construction [680]
11: Stone quarrying [682], grand master
11: Alchemy [690]
11: Mining [720]
11: Mine iron [721], adept
11: Mine gold [722], journeyman

I got no indication from the "owner" of Justin Silvermane that he had
invested two more NPs in him before the TERRORIZE attempt was

Bron, you may already have most of this info, but if you want actual
ID's I'll send them to you separately if the interested parties agree.

> --
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> Use only if you require fast response.
> These statements are my own, not those of Silicon Graphics.


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