Missing NP's

Christophe Desmecht (cappy@skynet.be)
Sat, 15 May 1999 11:52:51 +0200


Olympia is a pbem game that's currently played by hundreds of players.
Many of these players are enjoying the game very much, but this has
started to decline by at least a few players. There is, you see, an NP
bug that denies some players their NP's when their nobles die. This is,
to say the least, annoying.

Your missin, Rich, if you wish to accept it, is to fix this bug and return
all missing np's to their rightful owners...

If you fail, the agency will deny all connections with you and probably
quit his faction.

Christophe Desmecht.

ps: FIX IT, PLEASE! (thankyouverymuch)

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