Re: Gloating Codrickers

Christophe Desmecht (
Sat, 15 May 1999 11:47:47 +0200

Nah, we're just smart :)

And you're just .. uh-oh, did I say that out loud?


At 23:41 14/05/99 -0400, wrote:
>The Lords of the Crown are gloating this week because they managed to kill 2
>Necromancers in one turn using a series of 4 lightning strikes. This
>achievement casued us a 20% troop loss in the army stack. This same turn
>they showed up at an exterior castle with another 182 point storm, and
>teleported over a hundred troops to the stack attacking in that location.
>That's 200 aura for the 4 lightning storm, 90 aura for the second storm,
>hundreds of aura more for the teleport, more to put up barriers around the
>map.... over 400 aura expended this past week. In addition, over the
>previous 4 turns they farcast and aura blasted multiple targets around the
>Obviously, the Lords of the Crown are generating hundreds of aura per turn
>maintain this level of activity. If they are achieving this feat within the
>confines of the published rules, they have a right to crow because they are
>clearly outplaying the rest of us. However, we find this unlikely: the
>ways to rapidly generate aura are via 806 and 921 skill uses. Having
>visioned and scouted Codric's mages every turn for months, there are two
>a) the Lords of the Crown have many hidden mages with higher max aura than
>have discovered, none of which are ever revealed to us by attacking us or
>aura blasting their buddies to build up aura. For this supposition to be
>true, the Lords of the Crown would have to be the largest alliance in the
>game, and developed mages longer and faster than PLATO or the Musketeers.
>b) The Lords of the Crown have found a way for a single mage to again do
>multiple uses of 806 in a turn, allowing each of their mages to create 80
>aura a turn. Since this is how they managed to build aura before, it is
>likely how they are doing it now. If the noble report in the Times rumor
>section was correct, they have found a way to produce a 611 skill > 28,
>then does not disappear after one use.
>We have asked the moderator to investigate this issue.
>If the Lords of the Crown continue to outproduce the rest of us in aura,
>indeed have a significant edge, and may be able to fight us to a stalemate.
>If the Musketeers ever achieve parity in per mage aura production, you will
>soon see Codric's armies destroyed and his nobles crucified.
>Lord Maltar
>Rimmon Musketeers

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