Re: Gloating Codrickers

Dominick Vansevenant (
Sat, 15 May 1999 11:00:24 +0200

OK, I sincerely support the moderator investigating this and I would urge
him to send the results to this list to clear our name.

There is no auragenerating bug we are using, maybe Lord Maltar wants
everyone to believe so to give him a valid reason why he is loosing this
This is sad and shows no respect or honor at all.


----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 15, 1999 5:41 AM
Subject: Gloating Codrickers

> The Lords of the Crown are gloating this week because they managed to kill
> Necromancers in one turn using a series of 4 lightning strikes. This
> achievement casued us a 20% troop loss in the army stack. This same turn
> they showed up at an exterior castle with another 182 point storm, and
> teleported over a hundred troops to the stack attacking in that location.
> That's 200 aura for the 4 lightning storm, 90 aura for the second storm,
> hundreds of aura more for the teleport, more to put up barriers around the
> map.... over 400 aura expended this past week. In addition, over the
> previous 4 turns they farcast and aura blasted multiple targets around the
> map.
> Obviously, the Lords of the Crown are generating hundreds of aura per turn
> maintain this level of activity. If they are achieving this feat within
> confines of the published rules, they have a right to crow because they
> clearly outplaying the rest of us. However, we find this unlikely: the
> ways to rapidly generate aura are via 806 and 921 skill uses. Having
> visioned and scouted Codric's mages every turn for months, there are two
> possibilities:
> a) the Lords of the Crown have many hidden mages with higher max aura than
> have discovered, none of which are ever revealed to us by attacking us or
> aura blasting their buddies to build up aura. For this supposition to be
> true, the Lords of the Crown would have to be the largest alliance in the
> game, and developed mages longer and faster than PLATO or the Musketeers.
> b) The Lords of the Crown have found a way for a single mage to again do
> multiple uses of 806 in a turn, allowing each of their mages to create 80
> aura a turn. Since this is how they managed to build aura before, it is
> likely how they are doing it now. If the noble report in the Times rumor
> section was correct, they have found a way to produce a 611 skill > 28,
> then does not disappear after one use.
> We have asked the moderator to investigate this issue.
> If the Lords of the Crown continue to outproduce the rest of us in aura,
> indeed have a significant edge, and may be able to fight us to a
> If the Musketeers ever achieve parity in per mage aura production, you
> soon see Codric's armies destroyed and his nobles crucified.
> Lord Maltar
> Rimmon Musketeers

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