Re: Please read

Dylan O'Donnell (
Sat, 15 May 1999 11:13:32 +0100 (BST)

lee jarvis wrote:
> I don't normally do this but think it is important enough to send to
> everyone. Don't be angry with me, just delete it if you don't care :-)

Not angry with you, but I think it's important to counter this hoax :-)

> If you receive an email titled "It Takes Guts to Say 'Jesus'
> It will erase everything on your hard drive. This information
> was announced yesterday morning from IBM; AOL states
> that this is a very dangerous virus, much worse than
> "Melissa", and that there is NO remedy for it at this time.

And since when are AOL experts on viruses?

[snip vaguely plausible-sounding technobabble]

> Pass this warning along to EVERYONE in your address book
> and please share it with all your online friends ASAP so that
> this threat may be stopped.

Please don't. This is the only way in which that this can be seen as
a virus - that it loads down Internet bandwidth with people panicking
about it :-(

> Please practice cautionary measures

Cautionary measures in this case: _never_ trust a virus warning that:

makes vague references to AOL, IBM or Microsoft without citation
asks you to forward it on to "everyone you know"
does not give a URL for an advisory from Symantec, Data Fellows,
McAfee, Dr Solomon or other anti-virus software manufacturer

And, following my last advice, some URLs from those guys that back up
this debunking:

and further reading about hoaxes:

I hope this helps.

Dylan O'Donnell              : "And he that calls on thee, let him bring forth
Demon Internet Ltd           :  Eternal numbers to outlive long date."       
Resident, Forgotten Office   :     -- William Shakespeare invokes the muse :        of Y2K programming in Sonnet XXXVIII

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