Re: Gloating Codrickers

Basil A. Daoust (
Mon, 17 May 1999 15:26:39 -0500

Greg Lindahl wrote:
> > If LotC or any other group discovers a
> > bug/feature which gives them an advantage - terrific! You can do it to!
> > If it is truly a bug than it will work for you as well as it works for them.
> This attitude will lead to the end of the game. A bug which gives an
> advantage to one side is a bad thing for all players. It is not
> "terrific" by any stretch of the imagination.
> > If you have a compliant about the abuse of bugs, don't blame the players,
> > blame the moderator.
> The moderator can't always find the bug based on a poorly-written bug
> report. You should cut Rich more slack.

Why, he has access to the players turn report. He should only need be
I did not get this or something weird happened when I did this.
We the players don't know how the code works, we assume he does.
Sure we might report non-bugs but we try to report what we know and hope
that the moderator will indicate that he is at least looking at the
Needs more info or something.

> > Until the moderator acts, bugs are part of
> > the game and are allowed - by the rules - to be used.
> No, the rules do not say that. What the rules *DO* say is that it's
> cheating to not tell the GM about a bug. The rules say nothing about
> the ethics of using bugs.
Problem is, once a bug has been reported its impossible to stop ones
from using the bug so by default to stay on fair footing one must use
Its true if your current enemy is honorable one can jointly agree not to
them and I know this has worked in the past... but won't always be the


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