RE: Movement Bug

Rodgers, Robert (
Mon, 17 May 1999 11:34:48 -0700

>So I would have thought that the maximum penalty for travel into
>a mountain region would be an additional 20 days, regardless if
>you were walking, riding, or flying.

This is the way it works. If you walk into a forest province with 100
workers it will take you 24 days: 8 original plus 16 penalty. If you had
100 horses it would take you 20 days: 4 orginal plus 16 penalty. It's been
this way for the whole game, and I've never thought of it as a bug. Upon a
quick re-read, the rules are ambigous enough that I never questioned it

While I've got you, I might as well weigh in a bit on the whole bug thing.
Someone said that we should all accept Oly as a somewhat buggy, not closely
monitored game. If you had to that my impression that it's overly simple,
not particuarly imaginative and filled with bizarre non-sequiters, you've
got my take on it completely. Oh, yeah, it's also cheap.

I've played many other PBM and PBEM games, many of which did a much better
job than Oly in nearly all the areas I mentioned. So why do I keep playing
Oly? It's simple, really. There is something about this system that seems
to inspire more player interaction than any other game I've played. I don't
know why, but it's there. And for that reason I'm willing to put up with
the bugs, et al. Oly gives me the sense of playing a game with several
hundred individuals far better than most games.


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