Re: Movement Bug

Bron Nelson (
Mon, 17 May 1999 10:39:09 -0700

> Example: Riding into the mountains would cost 5 days, and if the
> penalty was correct, the maximum penalty would be 15 days. If the
> error I described above works, the maximum penalty would be 30 days.

I admit I haven't ever tried this myself (i.e. move a huge stack
at riding speed with only one noble). However, based on my reading
of the rules, I would expect that the maximum penalty *would* be
twice the walking rate. The relavant rules quote is:

The additional delay is capped at a maximum of twice the
original route distance.

I take "original route distance" to mean the number printed in the
turn report (which is the walking rate), which is not necessarrily
the same as the rate that any given noble will actually traverse
that link.

So I would have thought that the maximum penalty for travel into
a mountain region would be an additional 20 days, regardless if
you were walking, riding, or flying.

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