Re: Gloating Codrickers

P.J.M. Beerepoot (
Tue, 18 May 1999 00:51:11 +0200

If you feel you have to include my name in your mails, please spell it
properly; Its also rather uncourteous to the other players to include your
poor version of the Flemish language:-)


-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: Christophe Desmecht <>
Aan: Dragon Lord <>; <>
Datum: maandag 17 mei 1999 22:43
Onderwerp: Re: Gloating Codrickers

>Go Skippy! Go Skippy! Go Skippy! :)
>PS: Blei oan al dei zievereirs die di nu probeire te begraipe!
>(zwijg, Berepoot)
>At 15:10 17/05/99 +0000, Dragon Lord wrote:
>>>This a very interesting way of answering a very simple question. You have
>>>just gained 100 points in credibility :-)
>>(I like Cappy's way of saying thing, he inspires me :-))
>>PS: what about his NP's ?!?
>>Cappy, da gaat u geld kosten he vriend, ik geef u een compliment
>>en ik zaag mee voor de goeie zaak, chance dat er ni teveel mensen
>>zijn die mij nu verstaan he :-)))))
>>Get Your Private, Free Email at

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