Re: Proof is in the pudding

Christophe Desmecht (
Mon, 17 May 1999 22:20:52 +0200

Dear bickering people on the g2-list,

As an LotC-member I feel I was accused of cheating myself. But I decided
not to get mixed up in this discussion. Once again, this has proven to be
impossible (hey, the mind is strong, but... etc).
Having witnessed suspicious activity in Rimmon territory, I myself have often
wondered if the Rimmo's weren't cheating. However, I have never openly
expressed this feeling on the g2-list. Because there might be the possibility
that I was wrong. And in my opinion one only accuses someone of
cheating if one has proof. But to come out and say something like: "Hey,
these guys have done outrageous things in a short period of time, so they
must be cheating!" is, to say the least, lame. Downright weak.

Quote Maltar : "If the Lords of the Crown continue to outproduce the
rest of us in aura, they indeed have a significant edge, and may be able to
fight us to a stalemate."
May be able... stalemate...?
How strong do you actually think you are, Maltar?
Or does losing castles, nobles, troops and face mean victory to you?

Next time, think before you post.


At 01:38 17/05/99 -0400, wrote:
>I beg to differ.
>The question at hand is how the Lords of the Crown are managing to generate
>hundreds of aura per turn concentrated in a couple of mages. Their exploits
>in turn 117 are just one of an ongoing series of high aura activities. The
>Times rumor vision serves only as a (likely misdirected) hypothesis on how
>they are achieving this continous display.
>You are vouching for their achieving this output within the published
>Well and good; given past history, we would prefer a review from the
>In the meantime, we will strive to achieve the same outstanding play shown
>the enemy. Good luck relearning your arithmetic.

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