Re: Gloating Codrickers
Mon, 17 May 1999 09:24:20 EDT

you know, this stuff is getting down right silly.
Another 100 post thread about somebody accusing somebody else of cheating.
Like we need to read this crap again!!

To all of you players that feel the need to whine to the list, and to clog
our email boxes, when you think somebody's cheating - STOP and think a
minute. It is the LotC's responsibility to tell you how they did something.
It is also not LotC's responsibility to explain bugs and features to you. If
LotC or any player discovers something that can be reasonably assumed to be a
bug it is their responsibility per the rules to inform the moderator.
Period. End of responsibility. If LotC or any other group discovers a
bug/feature which gives them an advantage - terrific! You can do it to!
If it is truly a bug than it will work for you as well as it works for them.

If you have a compliant about the abuse of bugs, don't blame the players,
blame the moderator. It is is job (job; meaning PAID position) to review
bugs and either repair them or allow them. It is not LotC's or anybody
else's job to inform you of a bug.

As for reporting bugs to the public Bron bug list...the last bug discussion
was ref Oleg's movement bug and it was determined that Greg did not report
the bug to Bron's list. (it should also be noted that once Rimmon figured
out the bug, they didn't report it to Bron's list either). If Rimmon did not
report the bug they exploited to the public list, why should LotC or anybody
else? I personally will not report anymore bugs to Bron's list.

In case you haven't figured it out yet - Olympia is a buggy game with little
moderator support. Face it. If that bothers you and you don't want to play
in such an enviroment, then quit. Just please stop whining about it
everytime somebody uses a bug. Until the moderator acts, bugs are part of
the game and are allowed - by the rules - to be used.

Christ I'm sick of this same conversation....

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