The Lady speaks!

Kurt Schelfthout (
Mon, 17 May 1999 09:54:52 +0200

Milady seems to have some problems sending this missive. It was my honour
and duty to help her out. I will now be still because she's getting anxious


I've had it with you by now !

Even when some people admit your accusations are false (because we proved
it to them) you don't even think of backing off (not to speak of an
apology) and you go on with these false accusations.

We understand your low morale and your difficulties to hold together your
troops when you get beaten like this, but we expected you would use other
ways to do this than lies and whining.

Did we complain or asked for explanations when you blasted 5 garrisons
(missing two others) pulling down barriers and setting new ones and
teleported 75 pikers all in one turn just a few turns ago ?? This is quite
an amount of aura you used yourself there !

If you can't take a blow, stay out of the fight.

Lady Eowyn

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