Re: Bugs and cheating - From the Times

Band of the Spear (
Fri, 29 Jan 1999 06:57:25 PST

Ladies and Germs-

As with any support role, it comes down to prioritization.

1) email a response to a payment issue
2) Make arrangements and actually deal with a payment issue
3) deal with someone who can't evoke a response from the orders mail

To be fair, I had an issue with #3 above, and I received prompt

(Who is this guy with the soapbox?)
For those who think quick responses are a requirement for a paying game,
part of the reason its only $2.50 is that he doesn't have an extensive
staff to pay. As soon as you start hiring someone else to perform a
full time support role, I expect the turn cost to go to $3.00. Good for
response, bad for my pocketbook.

Now everyone ask yourself how important it is if your payment hasn't
been noted on your turn report, and yet you can still submit turns?
Send an email, don't expect a response, because if Rich knows whats
going on, accomodations can and probably have been made.

Really, isn't the response the fact that your turn worked? I agree that
there should be concern if you have send money, and your turns aren't
being accepted. But if the check isn't deposited (your still making
interest and playing for a profit.) ;0)

( Hey, hey, don't kick the box.. Wahh, THUD.)

Best Regards,

Sam K.

>In a message dated 1/28/99 2:29:06 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
>> Ant one who feels that perhaps they deserve more for what they are
>> paying ie insatnt replies, bug fixing done immediatly
>I'm really quite surprised that the idea of getting response from a
>moderator is so divisive a topic.
>For the record, I'm not looking for "instant" replies, I'm looking for
>And I'm not looking for bug fixing done "immediately", I'm looking for
>fixing done "at all".
>How can anybody think these requests are asking too much?

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