Tsk Tsk! Such Manners!

Thu, 28 Jan 1999 23:21:31 EST

Really, Sir Codric, you must teach your nobles better manners. First Captain
Kynan knocks on the castle door 3 times in a row, then he sails off in a huff
before tea is ready! To make matters worse, he left behind a bunch of
ruffians who ran about demanding supper and being churls!

Now we have this huge mess of crossbows and corpses littering the city
streets. And some of the bodies don't seem to undestand they are quite dead!
Really! Tell your Captain Kynan to come back and help clean up his mess!

Lord Maltar
Rimmon Musketeers

1: al'Lan Mandragoran attacks Minnow [1091]!
1: al'Lan Mandragoran, lord, with 30 peasants, five workers,
1: 609 soldiers, ten blessed soldiers, one winged horse, accompanied by:
1: Asmodean, behind 3, with 33 peasants, 20 soldiers,
1: 63 crossbowmen, 17 elite archers, six riding horses, two winged
1: horses
1: Tythandis, behind 3, with 43 peasants, 20 workers
1: Minnow [1091], roundship, 130% loaded, defense 10, 15% damaged,
1: owner:
1: Jonathan [j305], behind 2, with 13 pikemen, eight sailors,
1: ten swordsmen, 213 crossbowmen, 30 undead
1: al'Lan Mandragoran [7936] is victorious!
1: al'Lan Mandragoran lost 159 soldiers, three blessed soldiers.
1: Jonathan lost 13 pikemen, eight sailors, ten swordsmen,
1: 213 crossbowmen, 30 undead.
1: Jonathan [j305] was wounded.

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