RE: Bugs and cheating - From the Times

Holbrook J (
Fri, 29 Jan 1999 03:47:24 -0600

I thought I would add my two cent's on this. I have written Rich
only 4 times since I started playing.
On all 4 occasions I have received a response from him within 1
week. 2 times within 48 hrs.

2 of the occasions were concerning switching payment methods. My
account had gone
to -$14.00 I think, without being dropped.
The other 2 occasions were bug reports. One was a complete mistake
on my part, which he
took the time to show me were I was making my mistake. The second
turned out to actually
be a bug, but wasn't exactly the kind of bug I thought. He wrote
back to say he had fixed it

Remeber also, that he is currently designing, modifying, debugging a
new version, TAG. So
he is probably pretty distracted from G2 at the moment.


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