Re: Bugs and cheating - From the Times

Rich Skrenta (
Sat, 30 Jan 1999 00:51:12 -0800 (PST)

> As a fellow programmer I can sympathize with how much work it can be to
> track down bugs in a 15,000 + line of code program.

More like 50,000 these days. ;-)

> And I realize that
> Rich may be busy in the "real world" with things other than Olympia.


Actually there are bugs I have fixed recently; but this has been
limited to ones which would have prevented the turns from running
to completion. The fact that turn reports get out every week means
that there is _someone_ here -- the bridge isn't totally empty. :-)

> His continued silence is NOT acceptable in my eyes. The entire point of
> PAYING to play the game is so that 1) we repay Rich for the massive, and
> wonderous, effort he underwent to create the game, 2) to help him pay for
> the hardware and connections needed to run the game, and 3) to provide
> SUPPORT for the system.

I don't help players with their turns to answer queries about the
rules; this unfortunately favors "squeaky-wheel" players over ones
to try to figure out everything on their own. I'm also likely to
give out bad advice, and players would then blame me for ruining
their turns.

I would like to be somewhat more active at correcting dramatically
unbalancing bugs. Anything short of that is a bug I'll leave in place
until the next major revision of the game, because stability has proven
more important than making minor fixes... the risk of introducing new
bugs or upsetting existing player strategies is too great.

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