Re: People people... (was RE: SFW Bug)

P.J.M. Beerepoot (
Sat, 9 Jan 1999 15:15:00 +0100

Minne appears to deliver a well balanced and reasoned analysis of the SFW
bug. However he overlooks or ignores 1 aspect. Hence his conclusions may be
qualified as highly arbitrary.

Before elaborating on this statement I would like everyone to understand I
am not in a habit of dropping stones , so when offense is taken please be
advised that no offense is meant:-)

We all know that the old and great alliances are, either occasionally or
perpetually, in need of additional Nobles. So they all recruit, at least
that is what I assume. Alliances that control the areas around the safe
cities have a distinct advantage here. When Minne concludes that the SFW bug
works in favour of newbies he is right at 1 level. Taken to the next level
however this socalled nebie-advantage could well be exploited to work in
favour of the established alliances. maybe as a late starter myself (around
turn 80 or so) i am in better position to evaluate the relative advantages
and disadvantages.

As a newbie you know very little about the game at the start. First you have
to make your own mistakes, lose turns in doing so and subsequently one has
to interact with others and with more experienced G2 players to begin to
understand the full extent of the game, its limitations and its
opportunities. New factions that line up with established alliances early on
will reap the benefits thereof. First of all they will learn quicker how
best and most effective to use noble time, depending on the range of
activities one wishes to become involved in , and the new faction will learn
about these bugs earlier (please dont take offense).

When I started to work for an established alliance as an independent I was
quickly told of the terrorize noble bug in conjunction with the use of SFW.
I didnt use it, not because I apply high moral standards, but because I saw
no use for it in my own planning scheme. (When I play soccer I will commit
fouls to ensure a win for my team if I think I will get away with it; and
that ofcourse depends on the leniency of the referee). I am not a Saint.

So the aspect that Minne overlooked is that old alliances are in the best
position to teach newbies the game and also the use of bugs. Please do not
take offense, I am not saying you are doing this, you are just in the best
position to do it if you do :-) Therefore I believe the SFW bug
predominantly works in the favour of ols alliances. However I do not
particularly care. First of all I choose to venture out in trading and then
SFW isnt particularly important to me and secondly had I chosen to become
part of the landowning class I would have teamed up with an established
alliance and the SFW bug would have worked in favour or against me. I am
frank about this I would have used them had it suited my purposes.

At the level of principles I am of the opinion that the bug should be fixed.
However failing that we must be practical. In a gaming or sporting situation
it is not up to the players to maintain the rules of the game, that is up to
the referee or in this environment the gamemaster.

Failing bug fixes, we must be practical. Let us just post the bug list on
the Olympia home page as an amendment or exhibit to the rulebook. Then its
up to the players to use them or not. Some players will commit fouls on the
soccer field, or whatever sporting ground for that matter, and some will
never. Then it becomes even more like real life :-)

Peter Beerepoot

>At 01:49 09/01/99 +0100, minne wrote:
>>Greg, Cappy,Rob,Jon,
>>Hi all,

>>One last comment : A reason why the bug should NOT be fixed. Because the
>>advantage is to
>>new players. They can quickly terrorize a noble safely (so they don't have
>>to go fishing for money,
>>aackhh did it again) can train a mage fairly quickly and with the bug can
>>really make a difference with or
>>against a much older alliance. My fast studypoints have already long been
>>gone, and so have those
>>of most early players. As long as new player gains the advantage I would
>>vote PRO on leaving
>>the bug unattended. I also do not agree magic becomes to powerfull this
>>way, like you said yourself,
>>SFW can be used both by caster and target. and in the event you get killed
>>by multiple blasts
>>there is allways the resurrection bug to get you up in no time. Balance is
>>preserved, and newbies
>>benefit more. I would leave it.

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