Re: People people... (was RE: SFW Bug)

Capricorn (
Sat, 09 Jan 1999 11:09:10 +0100

Our great leader has spoken... and unfortunately put his foot in it.

At 01:49 09/01/99 +0100, minne wrote:
>Greg, Cappy,Rob,Jon,
>Hi all,
>> This bug is only cosmetic -- the "extra" trade goods can only be
>> bought or sold once more, and then they disappear for good. These
>> orphans appear naturally when any unused route expires. So you also
>> owe PLATO's players an apology.
>You have mine. there is no way we can know for sure, so we shouldn't
>have spoken about it. Fact is however we have been looking for ways
>how you do it (IF you did it) and have come up with a valuable way of
>creating and using over 2 tradegoods a city. (though I can safely add it
>no longer works) But as I said, we can never know and should have kept

I say what I want, Belgium has freedom of speech aswell.

>Like we can't know wether your noble used SFW partially when he
>blasted mine. We can only take your word for it.
>I personally believe you since I doubt any sensible guy from
>turn 1 would have any fast studypoints left. (though I doubt you
>used them for fishing) (VERY QUICKLY : I appologise Rob,
>couldn't help myself :)
>I think Jon spoke a little early when he answered your mail.
>If you must have an appology, take mine.


>One last comment : A reason why the bug should NOT be fixed. Because the
>advantage is to
>new players. They can quickly terrorize a noble safely (so they don't have
>to go fishing for money,
>aackhh did it again) can train a mage fairly quickly and with the bug can
>really make a difference with or
>against a much older alliance. My fast studypoints have already long been
>gone, and so have those
>of most early players. As long as new player gains the advantage I would
>vote PRO on leaving
>the bug unattended. I also do not agree magic becomes to powerfull this
>way, like you said yourself,
>SFW can be used both by caster and target. and in the event you get killed
>by multiple blasts
>there is allways the resurrection bug to get you up in no time. Balance is
>preserved, and newbies
>benefit more. I would leave it.

I wouldn't, and I appreciate you spoke only for yourself Ruben.

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