Re: People people... (was RE: SFW Bug)

Capricorn (
Sat, 09 Jan 1999 11:10:51 +0100

At 14:23 08/01/99 -0500, Greg Lindahl wrote:
>> Oh and about the trade bug, Rob?
>> How would you like it if I were to put a few market reports of PLATO
>> cities on the g2-list that sell or buy more than 2 trade goods? (even
>> up to 4)
>> Would that be like reporting a bug, a feature or would that be rude?
>This bug is only cosmetic -- the "extra" trade goods can only be
>bought or sold once more, and then they disappear for good. These
>orphans appear naturally when any unused route expires. So you also
>owe PLATO's players an apology.

Do I? Gee, I was following your reasoning there, but I just can't seem to
come to the same conclusion as you...
In my opinion, if someone owes anyone an apology, it should be Robert
Rodgers for making private information publlic.
I'm really surprised at you, Greg. I thought you thought your mails through
before you sent them... I guess you don't.

>> Let's try to keep the g2-list civilized, shall we?
>I agree. I don't think Rob's statement was a good idea, but your
>response was in even worse taste.

Ok, everyone's entitled to his own opinion, and we disagree... great.


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