any cheese with that whine?
Sat, 9 Jan 1999 03:58:33 EST


Now I know why I killed the same guy two turns in a row and he
miraculously survived both executions. I prefer a little uncertainy in the
I've come up with a simple solution for the miraculous survival.
No I won't share it here. That's part of the GAME.
The ones of you that knew shoulda reported the bug, kept your mouth shut
and not used it. The ones that know now because of the list might never have
known except by quirk o fate. I used 28 fast study days to learn sfw.
Yea I'm pissed That others didn't but it makes em harder to kill and I like
Resurection bug I like that too, once their dead they outta stay dead.
Reality GAME
olympia my brothers character melted into the ground
detroit my brother died, 4 pikemen stopped by his apartment and beat him to
One was real one was GAME. both are still dead to this day
Now I gotta go spell my name backwards and kill somebody two or three times.
hmmm think i'll do the killing in olympia less that big programmer in the sky
sends those 4 guys to my house.

Maddog...go ahead spell it backwards

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