Re: SFW Bug

Wayne Sheppard (
Fri, 8 Jan 1999 09:33:57 -0500

From: P.J.M. Beerepoot <>

>The bug apparently only plays an important role for those that can be
>labelled belligerent. The answer ofcourse is plain simple: dont go to war!
>and remember that no modern state in Western christianity attained its
>present borders through conquest. Where nations enhanced their territories,
>the most likely cause is marriage . Through marriage the United Kingdom
>became united and Spain and Italy and france to name just but a few. The
>great warriors like Attila the Hun, Alexander of Macedonia and a couple of
>others never succeeded in establishing a state that would last for
>centuries. So Plato stop bitching about this bug, end your belligerent
>policies and try to enhance your influence by diplomatic means. Dont
>consider this game to be a fighter ace program and in the end you may
>survive :-)

What kind of stupid diatribe is this?

First I don't need a state that would succeed for centuries. A century in
G2 would be 800 turns. That would take 15 years of real life playing time.
Don't think it is going to happen.

What is wrong with the warriors like Attila the Hun? Why can't I play like
a warrior faction? I want to run around and conquer factions, not build up
some boring society or state.

And whats that crap about Western christianity? This has no comparison in

It's my $2.50. I'll play like I want to. Don't be telling anyone else how
to play.


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