Majestic (majestic@mail.dma.be)
Thu, 7 Jan 1999 21:11:23 +0100

I find this very sad ! You only tell one side of the story (and even Phil
Collins knows
that you should know both sides of the story). If what you guys say about
SFW is true
then it makes it impossible for somebody to kill you with Aurablast. As you
could relearn
SFW faster then somebody gaining 50 aura to blast. So even if this bug (SFW,
aurablast) is fixed. The one being blasted would suffer the consequences.

Why Greg's noble blasted another only once is his own problem and doesn't
I guess playing g1 can have it's disadvantages also, but there are more then
enough advantages to make up for them, aren't there Greg ?

>This is a bad bug. IMHO, though, it isn't the bug that is ruining the
>game. That honor goes to the Survive Fatal Wound bug. Since SFW works
>with only day of study, rather than the full 28, people are saving weeks
>of noble time by learning only 1 day of it using Fast Study. Even
>worse, it is possible to generate aura in huge amounts extremely quickly
>by combining SFW with Tap Health for Aura. Those of us who didn't
>decide to use our Fast Study points to learn fishing on turn 3 because
>we were already running out of money (hey, I was young, what can I say)
>are able to take unfair advantage over everyone else.

When a noble is blasted the body moves to the province like any other kill I
Troops etc, go to a noble stacked with him/her (sometimes)

>When a noble is killed by an aura blast what happens to the body? Does it
>move to the province? What happens to any soldiers with the noble?
>What if the noble was the owner of a structure at the time he was blasted?


BTW : Dear PLATO-members, simple planning is what it takes.
I'm sorry if I'm good at it.

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