Rodgers, Robert (
Thu, 7 Jan 1999 13:46:36 -0800

>I find this very sad ! You only tell one side of the story (and even
>Collins knows that you should know both sides of the story). If what
you guys say about
>SFW is true then it makes it impossible for somebody to kill you with
Aurablast. As you
>could relearn SFW faster then somebody gaining 50 aura to blast. So
even if this bug (SFW,
>not aurablast) is fixed. The one being blasted would suffer the

You're going to have to explain yourself a bit better, and tell the
other side of the story. The issue is not how fast you can relearn
before your enemy gains 50 aura, the issue is (in part) that said enemy
can use SFW in concert with Tap Health to gain aura at rate that the
game is not balanced to handle.

The other part of the issue is how all of your nobles happen to be
running around like this:

9: Brother Love [xxxx] receives a vision of Wyluli [xxxx]:
9: Location: not relevant
9: Loyalty: Oath-1
9: Stacked under: not relevant
9: Health: 100%
9: Combat: attack 80, defense 80, missile 60
9: behind 2 (stay behind in combat)
9: Break point: 0% (fight to the death)
9: Declared attitudes:
9: defend not relevant
9: Skills known:
9: Shipcraft [600]
9: Sailing [601], apprentice
9: Shipbuilding [602], apprentice
9: Combat [610]
9: Fight to the death [612]
9: Archery [615], apprentice
9: Weaponsmithing [617], adept
9: Stealth [630]
9: Petty thievery [631], grand master
9: Learn of richest nearby noble [636], apprentice
9: Partially known skills:
9: Survive fatal wound [611], 8/28

and this:

23: Brother Love [xxxx] receives a vision of Samuel Vimes [xxx]:
23: Location: not relevant
23: Loyalty: Fear-186
23: Health: 100%
23: Combat: attack 80, defense 80, missile 0
23: behind 0 (front line in combat)
23: Break point: 0% (fight to the death)
23: use 641 1 (concealing self)
23: Banner: Commander of the City Watch
23: Skills known:
23: Combat [610]
23: Fight to the death [612]
23: Stealth [630]
23: Sneak into structure [639], apprentice
23: Conceal self [641], apprentice
23: Partially known skills:
23: Survive fatal wound [611], 1/28

How many more shall I provide? These may not be your specific nobles
but they belong to your alliance. How, Mr. Majestic, do you justify
obviously taking advantage of a game bug to succeed?

>BTW : Dear PLATO-members, simple planning is what it takes.
>I'm sorry if I'm good at it.

If you weren't so obviously arrogant I wouldn't say what I'm about to
say, and no doubt suffer the flaming I'm going to get. But I enjoy
Olympia too much, and have played it for too long a time to see the game
I like ruined by the likes of you.

What you are good at, Yves, is cheating.


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