More examples of the SFW bug!
Thu, 7 Jan 1999 16:13:38 -0600 (CST)

> How many more shall I provide? These may not be your specific nobles
> but they belong to your alliance. How, Mr. Majestic, do you justify
> obviously taking advantage of a game bug to succeed?

There are other examples. For example, how did Phydaeux survive two
successive (i.e., one right after the other) Aura Blast reflections?

"Aura blasts may only be reflected once. If a blast is reflected back
to an attacker with knowledge of 911, the attacker will be harmed,
and will not absorb or reflect the blast."

Either the SFW bug is to blame or there's a reflect bug.

> What you are good at, Yves, is cheating.

Please, spare us the moral high ground. Your alliance used the teleport
bug. Your alliance has obviously used the SFW bug (or a new reflect bug).
There's also that trading bug. Oh, and the overloaded ship bug.

You could call it "cheating" to use a reported bug (and the SFW/FSP bug
has been reported more than once), but you'd (or your allies) would be
"cheaters" too, as would I and many, many, other players.


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